Chapter 21"Fishing"

Start from the beginning

"You need to switch out?" Taehyung asks

"That's be nice yeah," he hands the rod to Tae and he walks over to the beach falling down resting

You smile a little as you see Taehyung looking at the rod not knowing how to use it.

He slowly learns himself how to hold it while watching Jungkook who was mindlessly fishing without looking back at us.

He bit his bottom lip focused on the task. Slowly learning each step as you giggled at Jimin trying to help.

Taehyung simply glared at you, narrowing his hooded eyes at you. Masking his embarrassment.

But the real action happen's when a sudden force is felt from the line causing Taehyung to jump and his face go blank.

This should be easy, right? I watched JIn hyung do this all the time- he thought

But the only thing that happened was sheer panic and sweat falling from his forehead.

"Yah- Yah! I got one! I got one!" He screeched, half excitement, half fear of being thrown into the water by the force of the fish's pull, or by Jin if he fails to catch something.

"Reel it in you dumba-" Jungkook yells in frustration seeing taehyung clueless in celebration, but was cut off due to you standing up along with jimin helping him real the fish in.

"Wah, does this fish have a propeller for fins! " Jimin curses under his breath feeling the fish beating them like a game of tug of war.

You on the other hand was being vocal support. Cheering the boys on since it would have been awkward if you went between the two to help. Mostly awkward for their pride.

"For f*ck's sake" Jungkook curses frustrated from the show you three had put on and grabbed the pole from Taehyung reeling in the fish with ease. The muscles in his arm showing prominently with the veins in his neck making a appearance too.

The force Jungkook took the pole from older hyung almost launched taehyung in the water. Making you reach for him as he wobbled losing his balence.

"See, it shouldn't be that difficult should it?" Jungkook Snaps removing the fish from the hook placing it into the container.

"To be fair, that fish seemed like it had superfish strength. " Tae muttered defeated as he pouted.

"Whatever, i'm gonna switch out. Take my spot won't you sweatheart?" He spat bitterly handing you the fishing rod that had been abandoned.

You growl at the sudden pet name, and he only smirks unaffected. 

He's learning how to get on your nerves more and more everyday. And now he uses pet names. Despite the fact he just caught your dinner, you still feel the need to push him off the pier into the water. Maybe that would cool his attitude.

"I can tell you're having evil thoughts about me baby, but-" He leans closer to your ear causing you to flinch as his breath tickles your peach hairs. "Don't forget that I have more power than you. You are the weak girl leaching off my brother, don't think i let that go. " He smirks pulling away from you, as you remain with the same expression you had before. Perhaps more annoyed at the thought of him having that thought of you leaching of Taehyung. You clutched your fists in anger. It was getting out of hand now that only a few certain words that the Maknae learned knew would set you off.

As for the other 3, they stood there confused to what was happening. Seeing Jungkook whisper something to you made Taehyung irritated. And your reaction is what set him off. He didn't hear what He said, but he knew you were affected by it.

"Jungkook, back off." Tae snarls suddenly butting into the "Conversation"

Jungkook only lets out a scoff followed by a laugh

"Nothing to back off from. I'm going." He smirks backing away from you. 

Taehyung is beside you as jungkook waves to Namjoon and Jimin  bye as he carries his container of fish back to camp.

Taehyung turned to you guilty, biting his lower lip as you sigh looking at the two others who were in their own world.

"What just happened?" Jimin mumbles. "I haven't seen kookie that way in a long time." 

"He's really getting on my last fraction of nerves." You groan as taehyung pats your back awakwardly

"Sorry about him, i didn't think he would-"

"It's okay tae, i can handle it. I'm a strong girl." You put your fist up determined. Confidence swirling in your eyes. 

You hear Taehyung laugh at your statement.

"What." You spat

"Nothing, its just. You're so cute." He smiles giggling

You cant help but to smile with him, his smile is so contagious.

"Aweh, cutie." He ruffles your hair as you act annoyed by the mess of your hair.

"Stop it~" You put your hands on your head to protect it from his touch. His eyes blind you with wonder. It's another moment where he was proud that he cheered you up. 

"What are we witnessing?" Jin questions, blinking.

You both turn your heads to the two. Forgetting they were there in the first place. 

"Should we go?" Jimin smiles innocently.

"You don-" you're cut off when tae grabs your hand and smiles.

"Can you cover for us for tonight?" Tae asks

"Wait, what are you do-" Tae shushes you looking back at the two

"Why should we? Where are you two going?" Jin grumbles.

Taehyung only ignores the question walking away dragging you with him.

"Wait!" Jin yells after you but Taehyung laughs like a little kid and starts running dragging you with him.

It was difficult to keep up with his pace, your feet out of sync with each other.

"Tae! Where are we going?" You ask out of breath as we slow down

But it didn't take you long to realize where you were.

The beach. 


Well, this chapter took a turn. Can you guess why? Also, sorry this took so long to come out. I've been sick for the past 2 weeks and its exam month. I've also been working on 3 Fanfics now. Which is a lot to focus on. If you leave out the two other ones on my wattpad. One's a movie and the other is a new chapter based one. And this one of course. 

Do you guys still like this book?


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