What's mine is mine

Start from the beginning

"Where you stalking us the whole time?" He asked as he fixed his glasses then looked back at me.

"I wasn't really stalking, actually, Elsa was the one who found you guys at the park." I bit my lower lip as i stared at the ground.

"So you two were dating? at the park?" Flynn incredulously asked.

"She didn't actually call it as a date, more like an outing or something?" I shrugged.

"so you were with your girl aye?" Hiccup teased while I glared at them.

"Weren't we all? Elsa said that Kristoff and Anna went rock climbing, Hiccup and Merida were at the park, Elsa and I were also at the park. While Flynn was with Rapunzel?" I looked at Flynn and he nodded in approval.

The bell rang and we went on our own way; Hiccup with me, Kristoff with Flynn. I searched for Elsa around the classroom and saw her platinum blonde hair. Yeah, her hair can really attract the eyes. I sat beside her left while Hiccup was at my right. Again, everyone was staring at Elsa and I making me glare at them.

"Mind your own business!" I growled making Elsa flinch and the students immediately looked away.

Elsa and I avoided glances, this was getting awkward. I wanted to talk to her but what was I going to say?

"is that your favorite polo?" I asked her and mentally face palmed myself, what a nice way to start a conversation.

"Yeah, it actually is, you?" She smiled and I licked my lips and glanced back at her.

"Well, it's one of my favorites" I raised my shoulders and she emmited a giggle. She's so adorable. I landed my Elbow on the desk and rested my cheek on my palm and looked at her.

"You're so different." I smiled at her making her blush and avoid glances.

"You're perfect." I breathed out and she jolted and looked at me.

"Perfect is boring" she frowned.

"Well, then You're unique" I shrugged and she tilted her head.

"Fine, I Don't know how to explain it to you but, you're perfect for me." I pursed my lips and looked at her as she turned crimson red.

The teacher walked in and I groaned as my face drop to the table, while ruffling my hair. I glanced at Elsa who was busy copying notes written on the board. While me? I just looled at her for the whole period.


The bell rang, signaling art class. I waited for Elsa at the doors of homeroom period, she wore her sling bag and headed towards the door. I held her hand making her flinch and look at our hands, I held her hand and started to play with the tip of her fingers as I strode to the art room Elsa looked at her feet and scurried, to catch up with me. The art room slowly became quiet as Elsa and I entered. I saw a familiar figure approaching Elsa, was it Ethan? No.... Evan! That's the guy. What does he want now? I unconsciously contacted my brows and frowned.

"Hey Elsa" He waved and Elda waved a small hi.

"There are still vacant seats beside me." He offered

"That would be lovely--"

"But I'll sit beside her" I intruded Elsa's words and sat in-between them. The teacher entered making Elsa smiled and take out her sketchpad. Evan looked at Elsa making me glare at him.

"She's mine, don't even think of stealing her from me." I growled making him gulp and look away. I don't know why I even said that, but it felt right. My possessive side was starting to show up again, so let's just remember one rule: What's mine is mine


A/N: Chapter 30!!! yezzzz!!! oh my! We're officially at the 30s!!!


hahah, it's 5am here and I have to start getting ready for school.

I felt bad for not Updating yesterday so That's why I woke up early in the morning to type this chapter.

We're at the 30s!!!! SQUEE~ I'd like to thank Alllllllll of the people who supported this book!!! thank you!!!

another request granted from @FroZenHeArt_HiMe12! she suggested the scene for Jack to Catch Elsa when she fell. hahah, thanks again!!!

well.. yeah, it's monday soo.... I'll be seeing you again on Friday:( I'll try to UD more often that time

<----Jelsa couple polos at the multimedia: hah, that was actually my edit>ω< what do you think? hahah.... it looks kinda weird at first xD

thank you sooooo much for the 14.8k+ readss!!!! thank you!!! also, thank you for all your votes and comments!!! I love you all!

suggestions? keep suggesting!!!!

I'll see you all on Friday!!!:)


The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now