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*Still Your POV*

Julian and I eventually arrived at home. We went inside and sat down on the couch in the living room. Ethan was upstairs, sleeping. We left him at home by himself while we went to BPN, we knew he wouldn't wake up because he's been feeling under the weather, recently.

"That's crazy, I didn't see that coming at all." Julian said. I chuckled.

"I guess you expected Malu to be screaming at you and trying to come at you." I said. We both laughed.

"Well, I'm glad that she's out of my life. And the amount of money that I got paid, I might not even need to go to work anymore!" Julian said. I smiled at him and inched a little closer to him.

"I'm really proud of you, baby. It takes a lot of balls to do what you did today. Well, what you tried to do. What actually happened was much easier." I said, giggling. He smiled at me.

"Y/n, I don't know what I would do without you." Julian said. He kissed my cheek and I blushed.

"You're just saying that." I said. He took both of my hands in his.

"No, I'm not. I'm saying it because I mean it. Yeah, we've been through a lot, but there's nobody else that I'd rather have gone through it all with but you." Julian said.

We both leaned in and kissed. Julian's hand was on my baby bump. He slowly lifted my shirt up so my bump was showing. He pulled away and leaned down so his face was next to my stomach.

"Hey, baby girl. This is your daddy. It's getting closer and closer to the day when you and I are going to meet and I can't wait to see your beautiful face. I love you so much and you're always going to be my little princess. I love you." Julian said. He gently kissed my bump and rolled my shirt down, over my stomach.

"You're so cute." I said, smiling at him. He smiled back.

"I can't believe where we are right now." Julian said. I looked at him with confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"It's just crazy to think that after everything we've been through, you and I are still going strong. I knew since I met you that I would only want you and now your the mother of my kids." Julian said. I smiled at him.

"You're so sweet, Julian." I said, leaning in for another kiss.

"I don't want to ever let you go. I hope you know that." Julian said, pecking my forehead.

"And, I never want to let you go." I replied, with a smile. He smiled back at me.

***The Next Morning***

I woke up and, as Julian was still sound asleep, I decided to go into Ethan's room. Surprisingly, Ethan was already awake. He was sitting up in his crib, playing with a toy.

"Good morning, baby." I said, as I walked into the room and closed the door. He stopped playing with his toy, and turned to look at me. He smiled at me when he saw me.

"Mommy!" Ethan squealed.

I walked over to his crib and picked him up. I went over to the corner of the room and sat down in the rocking chair that Julian had set up when Ethan was born.

"Where's Daddy?" Ethan asked. He was sitting on my lap, we were cuddling.

"He's still sleeping." I replied.

Ethan's eyes were now averted to my baby bump, he gently placed his hand on my stomach and rubbed my belly. He looked up at me.

"When baby coming?" Ethan asked.

"In 2 weeks. Are you excited?" I asked. He nodded, excitement in his little eyes.

Ethan and I spoke for a little while. He was talking to me about the baby, how he was going to protect her and take care of her. My heart melted, that was the same relationship that I have with Julian.

I felt bad that I hadn't been spending much time with Ethan recently. I've been so busy, I felt like I just never had time for him anymore.

I'm happy that I spent time with him today because it's going to be one of the last times that I'll just be able to have fun with him before the new baby comes.

Ethan and I were playing with some of his toys when Julian walked through the door. Ethan got off my lap and ran over to Julian, who scooped him up in his arms and cuddled him. I smiled.

"Morning, baby." Julian said, as he walked over to me with Ethan in his arms.

"Morning, how did you sleep?" I asked.

"Great. You feeling better?" Julian asked.

"Yeah, she's definitely kicking though." I said, as I rubbed my baby bump in circular motions. Julian placed his hand on my stomach.

"Wow, I think she definitely wants to come out now." Julian said. We both chuckled.

Hey guys! Sorry this part is a bit shorter than usual. I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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