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*Still Your POV*

My jaw dropped open. Shit!

"H-How did you find that?" I asked. He sighed.

"Your phone went off. I went to turn off the alarm and it fell out. When did you buy this?" Julian asked. I sighed.

"Jennishka and I were filming a video where we were trying out girls' products. Michael bought the products and he accidentally bought 3 pregnancy tests instead of one." I said. He still looked confused.

"Why do you have this?" Julian asked, holding up the pregnancy test in his hand. I couldn't tell whether he was angry or sad, but he definitely wasn't happy.

"The other two that Michael bought were dodgy and they came out positive. I got scared because you and I have been fooling around a lot lately so I took this one because it's way more accurate than the other ones." I said. He nodded.

His face was emotionless. I didn't blame him, I might be pregnant with his second child. I was scared. We were both just sitting there, staring at each other. He let out a deep breath.

"Ok, look, let's just go upstairs. We'll take the test and then we can go to the doctor's tomorrow just to check that the test was telling the truth." Julian said. I sighed and nodded.

We both went upstairs and into the bathroom. I took the lid off the test and peed on it. I left the test for a few minutes and I came back after a little while. 2 lines. Positive.

"Julian?" I called. He rushed over to me.

"Yes? What did the test say?" He asked. I showed it to him. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. I pulled away and looked at him in confusion.

"Julian, why are you happy?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I be happy?" Julian asked, still with a smile on his face.

"Well, I-I, just thought that you wouldn't be happy." I mumbled. He cuffed my cheek and pecked my lips.

"Y/n, if I was having this moment with any other girl, I wouldn't really give a fuck. But, right now, I feel special. I mean, why wouldn't I be, you're my baby's mother and now you're pregnant with my second child." He said, kissing me.

"Julian, we don't even know if the test was right." I replied.

"That's why we're going to the doctor's tomorrow." Julian said, smiling. I smiled back as he kissed my nose.

*Julian's POV*

I woke up this morning with y/n laying next to me. I smiled and gently kissed her cheek. Well, today's the day. Ethan might have a little brother or sister in a few months.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I went back to the bedroom and changed into a pair of black jeans, a white T-Shirt, a black jacket and my Yeezys.

I styled my hair the way I usually would and went to Ethan's room. I woke him up and changed him into some new clothes. I took him downstairs and waited for y/n to get downstairs.

About 20 minutes later, y/n came down wearing a pair of black leggings, her Adidas Superstars and a light blue sweatshirt. I took Ethan into the car and strapped him into his car seat.

I got into the front with y/n. I began to drive.

*Your POV*

We eventually arrived at the hospital. I got out the car and Julian went to get Ethan out from the back seat. The three of us went into the hospital and up to the front desk.

"Hey, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"We have an appointment for y/n y/l/n." Julian replied. The receptionist typed something into her computer and looked back at us.

"The doctor is waiting for you in room 126." The receptionist replied.

"Thank you." I said, as we left to go to room 126. We got there and the doctor greeted us. He told me to take off my leggings and lie down on the bed.

He put a cold jelly like substance on my stomach and spread it around my belly. I looked at the machine. I couldn't see any sign of a baby.

"Ok, so, this is the outside of the uterus." The doctor said. Julian was sitting in a chair next to me, Ethan was sitting on his lap and he was holding my hand.

"Let me just zoom in here and see what this is." The doctor said. I slowly nodded. The doctor smiled.

"Well, I'm glad to inform you that you have a baby on the way!" The doctor said, happily. I looked up at Julian, he had tears flowing down his cheeks, I did, too.

"Do you know how far along she is?" Julian asked.

"About three weeks." The doctor said. I wiped the jelly off my stomach and put my leggings back on.

"Come back to see me for another checkup in about 3 weeks time." The doctor said. We nodded.

"Thank you." I said, as we got up and left. We went to the car and Julian strapped Ethan into his car seat. He got into the driver's seat and I got into the passenger's seat. Julian began to drive again.

"Daddy, why were you crying?" Ethan asked, interest in his voice. We were at a red light, so Julian and I turned around to face Ethan.

"Ethan, Mommy's having a baby!" Julian said. Ethan squealed and started clapping. I laughed.

"Is it a girl? I want it to be a girl!" Ethan yelled. Julian laughed.

"Don't tell anyone, Ethan. This is our secret, ok?" Julian said. Ethan slowly nodded, he couldn't contain his excitement, you could see how happy he was just by looking at his little face.

Hey guys! So, you're pregnant again! How do you think everyone will react? Will everyone be happy? Or, will there be drama? Find out soon! I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

Between You And I 💍 - Julian Jara Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now