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*Julian's POV*

It's been 6 days since y/n dropped the bombshell about Ethan. Whenever I get a minute to myself, I cry. But, I've been trying my absolute hardest to keep it together for y/n.

Y/n hasn't been speaking to me. She doesn't get out of bed, only if she needs the bathroom. She doesn't look at me. She doesn't even look at Ethan, she only goes to him when he needs to be nursed. Sometimes, she won't even feed him and I have to go with a bottle.

I woke up and rolled over. Y/n was just laying there, her face to the ceiling. She didn't know that I was awake until I'd cleared my throat. She quickly rolled over and pulled the covers over herself to hide her face.

"Y/n, I know you're awake." I said, as I pulled the covers off of her.

"Talk to me." I said. She just shook her head. I sighed.

"Y/n, please. We need each other right now. This situation is breaking me." I said, my voice cracked at the end. She sighed.

"Julian, I just want some time to myself." Y/n said, softly. It was the first time she'd said something to me in 6 days. I sighed.

"You've had 6 days of alone time, y/n. And you've barely spent any of that time with Ethan. Those might be his last days on this earth and you'd rather have that time to yourself." I said.

She turned around and looked at me. Her face was full of expressions. Shock. Anger. Sadness. Fear. She sat up and we made full eye contact.

"Are you saying that I'm a bad mother?" She asked.

"No. I'm saying that you shouldn't be giving yourself alone time when our 3 week old son's life is on the line here. The surgery is tomorrow. That might be the last day on this earth. I get that you're upset, I feel that same pain. But, you won't even get out of bed to see him. How do you think that makes him feel?" I asked. She sighed.

"If I look at him, I just get even more upset." She said. I groaned.

"And if Ethan dies, I bet that you will regret the fact that you didn't show your own son any affection in his last days for the rest of your life. He's upset, I see it in his eyes. He's having it worse than we are. He doesn't even know that he's ill or that he's going into surgery tomorrow. He's probably wondering why I'm so upset, why you won't even look at him anymore. He's being neglected, y/n. Neglected by you." I said.

"Julian, I think you should leave. Now." She said.

"Fine. But if I have to leave, Ethan is coming with me." I said.

"No. I'm his mother, I'm the one who spent hours in labour with him, I was the one who carried him for 9 months in my stomach. He's my son." She said.

"And, he's also my son. It isn't my fault that Jennis kidnapped you, that's the reason that I wasn't there for most of the pregnancy. And if I'm leaving, I'm not letting Ethan stay with you. You wouldn't even feed him." I said.

"Get out before you say something we both know you'll regret." She said.

"No. I'm not having an argument with you on what could be Ethan's last day with us. I don't care if you refuse to talk to me, I just want you to at least look at Ethan. It wouldn't kill you, y/n." I said.

I got out of bed and left the bedroom. I entered Ethan's room and walked up to the crib. He was awake, staring up at the ceiling, just like y/n was when she woke up this morning.

I gently lifted him out of the crib and rested him in my arms. I looked into his eyes and smiled. I'm going to miss that face so much when he goes.

*Your POV*

Julian left the room. Great! He could be packing up all of Ethan's things for all we know! I heard Ethan's door open. I got out of bed and tiptoed out of the room.

I stopped once I reached Ethan's room. The door was wide open, so I hid myself by the wall before Julian could see me. He was sniffling, he was crying.

"Ethan, I love you so much. From the day that I found out your mommy was pregnant with you, I was obsessed with you. You've only been with us for just 3 weeks, but they were the best 3 weeks of my life." Julian said.

Was he going to say something about me? Was he going to tell Ethan what was going on? Is he taking Ethan from me in what could possibly be his last days? Could he be breaking up with me?

"You're probably wondering why your mommy hasn't come to see you in such a long time. Don't be mad with her, she's just upset. She does love you, she loves you more than anything else, she loves you more than she loves me. She's angry with me. And I hate it. I just wish everything was the way it was before. I miss her so much, I miss her cuddles and her kisses and how she's so cute. That's where you get your cuteness from." He said. I smiled to myself.

"I know I'm probably boring you, but I just hope you understand how much we love you. We would do anything for you, there's nothing you can't have. I love you, Ethan Julian Jara, I always have and I always will." He said.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps. Shit! Julian's coming! I quickly ran to the kitchen and pretended to make a drink.

I heard Julian coming down the stairs. He came into the kitchen. I took a deep breath. He walked past me and stood next to me. He was getting a bottle ready for Ethan.

"I know you heard everything I said to Ethan." Julian said, as he waited for the milk to heat up.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, as I messed around with an orange juice container.

"I heard you coming down the stairs. Also, you haven't been downstairs in nearly a week." He said. I sighed and turned to fully face him.

"Did you mean what you said?" I asked. Julian turned and faced me.

"Y/n, I said quite a lot. Be specific." He said. I nodded.

"When you said that you wished things were the way they used to be?" I asked.
There was a small pause.

"Yes. I would never lie to my son." He said. I nodded.

"You did lie to him, though." I said. He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Everything that I said to him was the complete truth." He said. I gave him one of those looks.

"You said I love Ethan more than I love you." I said. His eyes widened a little.

"Well, that's true, isn't it?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I've known you for a lot longer than I've known Ethan. And I know this may sound bad, but I love you more. I love Ethan more than anything, but I love you more than anyone." I said. He cracked a smile.

"Do you really mean that?" He asked. I nodded.

"Julian, I wouldn't lie to you." I said. He wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I'm sorry for being so harsh to you." He said. I kissed his cheek.

"It's ok, I don't blame you. I shouldn't have distanced myself away from the both of you. That was unfair of me." I said. He smiled.

"Let's go upstairs. Ethan is waiting for us." He said. I nodded.

Hey guys! Word count: 1329 Thank you so much for over 420 views on this book! What do you think will happen with the surgery? I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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