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*Your POV*

"Mom, Dad, all you ever wanted was for me to find happiness with someone." Julian said.

"And, you won't find any happiness with her!" Julio yelled.

Wow. Is this what Julian's parents really thought of me the whole time? I wiped away my tears and tried to hold back the rest from escaping my eyes.

"Yes, I will. I know that you mean well, but I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions. And, I know that I want to be with y/n." I said. Gloria rolled her eyes and made eye contact with me out of nowhere. Her face dropped when she saw me.

"Y/n, it's not that we don't like you. We love you, you're the best thing that's ever happened to Julian." Gloria said.

"Then, what is so bad about us being together? We made it work for Ethan, we can make it work again for this baby, too. Just give us a chance." I said. Gloria sighed.

"We've already given you so many chances. And, every time, something got in the way." Gloria said.

"Yes, exactly! Something got in the way, someone else was the problem. It was never us, it was always someone else trying to break us apart." Julian said.

"And, how do you know that someone won't try to break you apart this time?" Julio asked.

"Because, I'm not going to let anybody get between me and my family." Julian said, taking my hand. I smiled at him.

"Just, be careful." Gloria said. My face lit up.

"So, you're ok with it? Julian and I can be together?" I asked, excitement in my voice.

"Yes." Julio said. Julian and I shot up and hugged them both. We sat down again, Julian wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Look, don't think we're mad at you, we're happy that you're having another child, but you both need to start being a lot more responsible." Julio said. We both nodded.

"Starting off with you, Julian. Y/n already has a job, but you're going to need to find one too because she'll eventually have to go on maternity leave." Gloria said.

"I'll start looking for a job, today." Julian said.

"Second of all, you both need to start saving money. We will always be here for you too, but we need to be able to provide for Andrea and Jovani, too, and we won't be around forever." Julio said.

"We can create a savings account." I said.

"See? Now, we're getting somewhere. Anyways, we have to take Everest for an appointment but we'll drop by sometime soon to help." Gloria said.

We all said our goodbyes and Julian's parents left. Ethan had fallen asleep on the sofa. It was just Julian and I. And, the baby, of course. Julian walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, I was confused.

"I'm sorry about them. I didn't think they would react like that. I didn't even think they'd find out like that." Julian said. I gently pulled away.

"Julian, it's fine, honestly. I mean, some of the things they said did hurt, but they care. That's all that matters." I said. He smiled and pecked my cheek.

I tried to smile back at him, but I couldn't. There was a sickly feeling in my stomach, and my face filled with discomfort. Julian looked at me, he could tell I wasn't ok.

I got up and ran to the bathroom. I immediately knelt down next to the toilet and began to throw up. I felt a large hand rubbing circles on my back.

"You ok, now?" Julian asked, as I slowly got up from the toilet. I nodded as I rinsed my mouth out. We both went back to the living room and sat down on the couch. My head was resting on his chest.

"Y/n, do you want something to eat? Soup? Salad?" Julian asked. I shook my head.

"There's no point. Anything I eat just ends up getting thrown back up again." I said, yawning.

Julian lifted me up, bridal style, and carried me upstairs. By the time he reached our room, I was asleep. I felt myself being laid down on the bed and my shorts were being taken off. I opened my eyes and pushed Julian off of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Anger was in my voice, but it wasn't showing very well as I was exhausted.

"I was just going to change you into some pyjamas." Julian said, confusion in his voice. I calmed down a little.

"Oh, ok." I said, before dozing off again. I felt Julian change me into a pair of sweatpants and a T-Shirt. He tucked me into the bedsheets and kissed my cheek. I could feel his hot breath against my ear.

"Y/n, I love you so much and I would never hurt you." Julian whispered. I heard him leave the room.

*Julian's POV*

I went back downstairs and onto my laptop. I need to find a job. This whole social media thing is great, but Jovani and I have been losing followers.

I was checking my emails when I noticed one from an address I didn't recognise. I opened the email and was pleasantly surprised. It's like the email was just calling my name.

Dear Mr. J E Jara,

  We have a vacancy for a job deal as an assistant for Malu Trevejo. If you are interested, please contact us and we will arrange our meeting.

Yours Sincerely,

BPN Offices

This is great! I've heard of Malu Trevejo, and from what I've seen, she can be a bitch, but if I can get this job, I'll be able to support my family!

Hey guys! I'm sorry that I didn't post last week, I've been busy at school but I promise that I'm going to post this week. Thank you so much for over 1.6k views and 230 votes on this new book! I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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