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*Your POV*

We arrived at the mall and got out of the car. We went in and walked around until we found all of the baby stores. We went into one of them.

The first store was full of pushchairs, car seats, high chairs, cots and baby swings. I sighed.

"What's wrong, y/n?" Julian asked, as he gently rubbed my stomach.

"It's not right. Nothing's right. I'm not letting my baby use any of these things. Nothing is perfect for him. I want him to have the best things imaginable. I want him to be able to live the lives we never got to live." I said. Julian gently kissed my forehead.

"Y/n, you haven't even had a proper look around the store. We'll find him the best things, he'll love them. Just take it easy, we have the whole day." He said. I slowly nodded and we looked around.

Somehow, we found ourselves leaving the store with a new cot, a mattress, two sets of fresh baby blue bedding, a black car seat, a black pushchair, a white highchair and a baby blue swing.

We went along to the next store which was full of toys, blankets and other baby supplies. I was looking at some teddy bears when Julian pulled me away.

"Hey, I was getting to know them." I said. We both chuckled.

"Y/n, I know we need to buy a lot of new stuff for him but we don't need to buy him a new teddy bear." He said. I was confused.

"Yes, we do. What else is he supposed to play with and cuddle at night?" I asked. He playfully shook his head.

"The teddy bear you were given when you were born. I know it sounds cheesy but I want him to be able to have a piece of you whenever you aren't there." He said. I smiled.

"Julian, that's so sweet. That's such a cute and thoughtful idea." I said. He kissed my cheek.

"Come on, let's look at the blankets." He said. I nodded and we continued to look around. I ran my fingers along some silky blankets, I loved how they felt. They were perfect. But there was one problem.

"Julian, all of these blankets are pink. What are we supposed to say when he asks us later on in life why we gave him a pink blanket?" I asked. He chuckled.

"That's because as soon as we walked into this store, I grabbed the last blue one before anyone else could get their hands on it." He said, pulling out a blue blanket.

"You are a lifesaver." I said, smiling. We also bought some diapers, wipes, bottles and a rattle before leaving the store and entering the last one, which was full of baby clothes.

We bought some white and blue vests, onesies, baby gloves, little hats, feet covers, dummies and some other clothes for him. We left the last store and went to the car to put all of our things in the trunk of the car.

Julian took me to Chipotle and we ate. He paid and we went back to the car. Julian drove me home and we went into the house. He went straight up to the bedroom, I followed him.

"Going to bed this early?" I asked. He nodded as he changed into a pair of pyjamas.

"Yes, and so are you. Don't even try to assemble all of that baby stuff because I know you'll give up straight away." He said, chuckling. He got closer to me and knelt down. He wanted to talk to the baby.

He placed his hands either side of my bump and rubbed my stomach. I smiled as I saw his little kicks. I felt Julian's hot breath on my stomach.

"Hey, baby. It's your daddy, again. Mommy and I went shopping today and we bought you so many things, we really hope you love them. It's getting closer and closer to the day we get to meet you and I just can't wait to hold you in my arms. Daddy loves you, he's always going to. Goodnight." He said, before kissing my bump.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, I had loads of schoolwork. I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

Between You And I 💍 - Julian Jara Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now