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*Julian's POV*

We had been in the waiting room for 7 hours and 30 minutes. The surgery was 8 hours long, so we didn't have a lot longer to go. Y/n was asleep, her head was rested on my shoulder.

I, on the other hand, couldn't sleep. I didn't want to sleep until I knew what the result of the surgery was. Every time a nurse came into the room, I just prayed that they were there for Ethan.

But, I was wrong. Every single time. I thought it was going to be the longest 30 minutes of my life, until my phone went off. It was my mom. I picked the phone up.

(M is Gloria, J is Julian)

J - Mom, this isn't a good time.
M - Julian, I know. You're in the hospital, waiting for Ethan to be done with his surgery.
J - How do you know?
M - The night we all came to see you, y/n broke down in tears. She told us what happened.
J - She told you and Andrea before she told me?
M - Julian, you can't be mad with her. She was upset, she needed to get it out somehow! Look, she's an amazing girl. You might lose Ethan, but don't lose her. It's not her fault, anyway. We kind of forced her to tell us what was wrong.
J - Fine. Look, I need to go, there's just 10 minutes left of the surgery. I want to be there when the results come through.
M - Ok. I love you, Julian, and I'm praying that Ethan is ok.
J - Thanks, Mom. It means a lot. Look, you can tell the others if you really need to. If the worst does happen, I want them to understand why y/n and I would be so upset.
M - Ok. Good luck, Julian. I hope for the best.
J - Me too, Mom. Bye, love you.
M - Love you too, sweetie.

I put my phone down. I was full of mixed emotions. I didn't know what I was feeling. I was upset because I didn't know if Ethan was going to be ok or not.

I was angry because y/n told my mom and my sister that Ethan was sick before she told me. But, I was happy that my entire family had my back. A nurse came into the room.

"Please could we have the parents of Ethan Julian Jara?" The nurse asked. I woke y/n up and we went to the nurse.

"Is he ok?" Y/n asked, worriedly, as I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"The surgery is done. We have yet to find out the results. I didn't go into the surgery room, I was just told to get the both of you." The nurse said.

We nodded and followed her into the surgery room. Ethan was still on the operating table, I couldn't tell whether or not he was breathing. We walked over to the doctor.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Jara." The doctor said.

"Oh, we're not married. We're dating." Y/n said. The doctor nodded.

"My bad. Anyways, the surgery is done, but we have a slight issue." The doctor said. Y/n and I exchanged glances. What was wrong?

"What is the issue?" Y/n asked.

"Well, you'll be glad to know that Ethan survived the surgery. But, he will have to come for check ups every 2 weeks." The doctor said.

"Why would he need regular check ups?" I asked.

"Although he survived the surgery, he's having some breathing issues. We will need to see that his breathing improves. Just come to us every two weeks and if anything seems unusual, let us know." The doctor said.

Y/n looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. We leaned in and kissed before hugging each other for what seemed like forever.

We eventually pulled away and the doctors cleaned Ethan up. They all left the room. Y/n and I went up to the operating table where Ethan was. He opened his eyes and stared at us.

"I can't believe this. He's ok!" Y/n said, more of a squeal than a statement.

Y/n reached out and gently picked up Ethan. She carefully cradled him in her arms and tears began to flow down her cheeks.

"I'm so proud of you, baby. I knew you could do it, you're my little warrior. Thank you so much, my brave little hero." She said, before kissing his cheek.

"Let's go home." I said, pulling them both into a hug.

We strapped Ethan into his car seat and signed him out at the front desk in the reception. We went into the parking lot and went to the car. We strapped Ethan in before getting into the car. Julian began to drive.

We eventually arrived home. Julian and I got out the car, I took Ethan from the back seat. We all went into the house and upstairs before going into the bedroom which Julian and I share.

I placed Ethan on the bed whilst I quickly changed into some pyjamas. As I was about to slip my pyjama top over my head, I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"You're so perfect." Julian whispered, his hot breath made the hairs on the back of my neck stick up. I giggled.

"Julian, not when Ethan's in the room." I said. He spun me around and slipped my shirt over my body. He smiled.

"Come on. I want some family time. Just the three of us. We might not have been able to have this moment, but God decided to let us have Ethan. We need to make use of these opportunities whilst we still can." He said. I nodded.

We both got into the bed, pulling the sheets over us. Ethan was lying in between us, playing with one of his rattles.

We didn't put on the tv, we didn't read books, we didn't do what regular families would do. Because we aren't a regular family, we're different. A good different. We're special.

We all just spoke to each other. Well, Julian and I did. Ethan just rolled around on the bed and kept taking his pacifier out of his mouth. He rested his little head on my lap as I sat up.

"He's so beautiful. I love our family." I said. Julian smiled at me.

"I don't want him to grow up. I wish he could be this age forever." Julian said. I nodded.

"I know, but at the same time, I do want him to grow up. Think of all the memories we'd make. Birthdays, holidays, graduations, weddings, maybe even some grandkids of our own." I said.

"Stop, y/n. You're making me feel old." He said. We both laughed.

"I'm so happy that I booked that flight from London to Florida on that day. I don't know what I'd do without you, or Ethan." I said. He smiled.

"Y/n, when I met you, I knew I was in love with you. But, I'm even more in love with everything you've done for me. You've looked after me, you've chosen to stay with me, you've shown me what love is, and you carried my baby. There's so much that I love about you." He said. I kissed his nose.

"Julian, can you promise me something?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes, babycakes." He responded.

"Promise me that no matter what, you won't ever leave Ethan or I." I said.

"Of course, beautiful. As long as you promise me the exact same thing." He replied.

"Obviously. I love you so much." I said. He smiled.

"I love you more." He replied. We both leaned in and connected our lips.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for 460 views and 95 votes on this book! I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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