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*Ethan's POV*

"Hey, Ethan." Cat said, as she picked me up and hugged me. I tried my hardest to pull away from her as Daddy shut the front door.

"Julian, I don't think he likes me." Cat said, as Daddy turned and gave me a look.

"Ethan, stop being silly and hug Cat." Daddy said.

"No." I said. Cat looked at me.

"Come on, I'm like your new Mommy." Cat said.

I freed myself from her grasp and looked at her with anger in my eyes. I began to growl at her.

"You not Mommy!" I yelled. Daddy dragged me by my arm to the stairs. He crouched down so we were face to face.

"Ethan, what's going on with you?" Daddy asked. I had my arms folded.

"Make her go." I said, in a cold and firm voice. Daddy shook his head.

"No. She's my girlfriend." Daddy said. I shook my head.

"No! Mommy your girlfriend!" I said.

"No, she's not. Cat loves me, Mommy doesn't. Now, I'm going to take Cat upstairs. You're going to stay here and think about how you behaved." Daddy said, as he held Cat's hand and took her upstairs.

I sighed and began to cry. I don't care if Mommy and Daddy don't love each other anymore. Mommy should be Daddy's girlfriend, not Cat!

I walked over to the couch and sat down. Daddy and Cat were upstairs for a really long time, probably kissing or something, and I got really bored.

I looked around the room for the tv remote. I finally found it and as I was going to pick it up, I noticed something underneath it. Daddy's phone!

I moved the remote to the side and picked up the phone. It was on, and he didn't have a password. I found myself on the phone app and saw someone called "y/n".

That's what Daddy always called Mommy! I tapped on her name and waited to see what happened. I heard a weird noise and then Mommy's voice!

(E is Ethan, Y is Y/n)

Y - Julian, what do you want?

E - No Julian. Ethan.

Y - Ethan! Hey, baby! Where's Daddy?

E - With Cat.

Y - Why is Daddy with Cat?

E - Cat Daddy's girlfriend.

Y - What? Ethan, are you joking?

E - No. She at my house with Daddy.

Y - Ethan, I'm coming to take you home. When you hear the doorbell ring, open the door, OK?

E - Yes, Mommy.

Y - Good boy. I love you, Ethan.

E - Love you, Mommy.

The phone turned off. I sat on the couch and waited for a while until I heard a ringing sound. The doorbell! I ran over to the front door and opened it. Mommy was there.

"Mommy!" I squealed, as she picked me up and kissed me. She closed the front door and set me down on the couch.

"You stay here. I'm going upstairs to talk to Daddy." Mommy said. I nodded and watched Mommy go upstairs.

*Your POV*

That son of a bitch! I know I broke up with him, but he could've at least waited a little longer! And he didn't have to get with my best friend!

Between You And I 💍 - Julian Jara Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now