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*Your POV*

The doorbell rang. I assumed it was Jovani, coming back to check up on Ethan and I. To my surprise, I found myself face to face with Julian shortly after opening the door. Gloria stood behind him.

"Um... hi?" I said, more of a question than a statement.

"Hey. Can we talk?" Julian asked. I sighed and looked back at Gloria.

"He really wants to speak to you. I'm here in case anything happens." Gloria said. I slowly nodded and led them to the living room. I sat down on the couch, Gloria and Julian sat on the couch opposite me.

"Listen, y/n, I'm sorry about the way I acted in the hospital." Julian began. I sighed.

"Julian, just forget about it." I said. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

"I know that you're upset, and I'm sorry that I made you feel that way, but-" Julian began again. I cut him off.

"Why are you here? I get that you were injured badly and I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I'm still in love with you, Julian, I always have been. But, I can't sit here and listen to you come up with every excuse possible. What do you want?!?" I yelled, tears began to form in my eyes, Julian already had a few going down his cheek.

"I just want to see my son." Julian whispered, wiping his tears away. I sighed.

"He's asleep." I said. Julian sighed as I wiped my tears away.

"Then, can I please go up and see him? He's my son, y/n." Julian said. I slowly nodded.

I led Julian upstairs and into Ethan's room. Ethan was sleeping in his crib, his little arms were wrapped around the hoodie that I kept from Julian. Julian smiled when he saw Ethan in the crib.

"He's beautiful." Julian said, wrapping an arm around me. I couldn't help but smile.

"He looks just like you, Julian. He always has." I said. Julian turned to me and smiled.

"What's his name?" Julian asked. My heart sank when he asked me that.

"Ethan Julian Jara." I replied.

"He's perfect." Julian whispered.

"That's what you said when he was born." I said. He smiled at me again.

"Can I pick him up?" Julian asked. I hesitated.

"Julian, he's been asleep for the past few hours. If you wake him up, he's going to be up the whole night." I said. Julian nodded.

"I just want to cuddle him." Julian said. He sounded like a little kid. I nodded and smiled.

He slowly lifted Ethan from the crib and cradled him in his arms. He smiled down at his son before looking up at me and smiling again.

"Thank you, y/n." Julian said. I smiled.

"It's ok. You can see him whenever you like." I said. He smiled. He looked as if he was about to say something, but I got there before he could.

"Julian, the next time you see him, just pretend that you remember everything. I know it's going to be hard, but I don't want to see him upset and I don't want him to know about anything that happened." I said.

He nodded and placed Ethan back in the crib. Without a warning, he pulled me into a tight hug. I was surprised at first, but I hugged him back because I remembered how much I missed his hugs. We eventually pulled away and he kissed my forehead.

"I don't understand how you're this strong. You're still living life like a normal person even though you've been through so much shit. I admire you for that, y/n." Julian said. I smiled.

"Thanks, Julian." I said.

It got really quiet and it suddenly became awkward. We were both staring at each other, and I noticed that Julian's gaze was on my lips. We found ourselves leaning in. Just as we were about to kiss, there was a knock on the door.

"Julian? Y/n? Is everything ok?" It was Gloria.

"Yes, Mom. Everything's fine, we'll be down in a second." Julian called to his mom.

"Ok, I'll be in the living room if you need me." Gloria replied.

Julian and I both looked at each other. We nearly kissed. I didn't know how to feel about it. Should I be happy? Or, should I be sad?

"Y/n, I'm sorry, I got carried away." Julian said, awkwardly. I shook my head and tried to hold back the tears.

"It's ok, Julian." I said, my voice cracked at the end. He looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"Y/n, are you ok?" Julian asked. Instead of responding, I pulled him into a tight hug and began to sob into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"What's wrong, baby?" Julian asked. I shook my head.

"Don't call me that." I said. He gently pulled away and looked me in my eyes.

"Why?" Julian asked, sadness in his eyes.

"Because, you don't mean it." I said, as more tears began to flow down my face. He pulled me into a hug.

"I do mean it. You're my baby." Julian said. I shook my head again.

"No, I'm not. I miss you so much, Julian, and I wish things were the way that they used to be. You don't understand." I said. He pulled away and cuffed my cheeks, wiping my tears with his thumbs.

"You're right. I don't understand. But what you think doesn't matter because you are my baby. When I got back from that hospital, Dad gave me my phone and I started looking through all the pictures. The ones of you and I. We looked so happy, we had been for a long time. My favourite was the one of all of us when Ethan was born. And, I don't want to throw all of that away." Julian said. I was about to say something.

"Julian! Y/n! Come downstairs, please." Gloria called. I took a deep breath and we both went back downstairs. We went to the living room and Gloria faced us. She looked at me with concern.

"Y/n, are you ok?" Gloria asked. I nodded.

"She was talking to me about Ethan and I didn't realise how upset it would make her." Julian said. Gloria nodded.

"Oh, ok. Listen, it's late and we need to go home. Y/n, you can come by tomorrow with Ethan if you want to?" Gloria asked. I shook my head.

"I'd love to, but I have to take Ethan to the doctor's tomorrow and run a couple errands." I replied. She nodded.

"I'll see you around, then." Gloria said, hugging me. Julian came towards her.

"You can wait in the car, I want to talk to her." Julian said. Gloria sighed and nodded, leaving to go to the car. Once she was gone, Julian turned to face me.

"I'll be here tomorrow at 9:30am." Julian said. I gave him a weird look.

"Not to be rude, but, why?" I asked.

"Because, I want to be there. I don't want Ethan to have a deadbeat dad." Julian said. I nodded.

"Here's a spare key to the front door." I said, handing him a spare key. He took it and slipped it into his pocket before pulling me into a hug.

"Please don't be upset, y/n. Sweet dreams, only sweet dreams." Julian whispered into my ear. He kissed my cheek and left.

Hey guys! Again, I'm sorry for being so inactive. I've started a new Flamingeos fanfic so I've been working on that one as well as this one. I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

Between You And I 💍 - Julian Jara Fanfic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt