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*Still Your POV*

Julian and I were messing around in the kitchen. We were supposed to be making brownies but instead we were throwing flour at each other.

"Julian! It's down my shirt!" I squealed, as I tried to shake the flour from my hair. He just laughed at me.

"That was kind of what I was planning on doing." Julian replied, with a cheeky grin. I playfully rolled my eyes and put the tray on brownies in the oven.

"Come on, you need to help me clean up this mess." I said, picking up the bag of flour. He wrapped his arms around me.

"No, I don't." He said, kissing my cheek. I wiped some flour onto his face. He pouted like a baby.

"Yes, you do. You started it." I said, giggling. He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Fine. You go upstairs and take a shower, I'll take care of this mess." He said. I nodded and went upstairs and into my room.

I opened the closet and got out a towel. I went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me, and I took all of my clothes off before placing them in the dirty laundry basket.

I turned on the water and got in. I tried my hardest to get all of the flour out of my hair, but it was very difficult. Once I was done, I got out and wrapped my towel around myself so it was like a dress. My baby bump made the makeshift dress a lot shorter than it was before.

I left the bathroom and went back into my bedroom. I dried myself and got dressed into a pair of underwear, a bra, a pair of black shorts, a white tank top and one of Julian's hoodies, which to my surprise actually managed to fit me.

I went to my dressing table and brushed out my hair before putting it into two Dutch braids. I went downstairs, the kitchen was spotless.

Julian had his back to me, he was wiping the last bit of flour off the counter. I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. He turned around and smiled.

"I was wondering when you were going to get out the shower." He said. I giggled.

"It's hard to have a shower when you have a whole bag of flour in your hair." I said, chuckling. He edged himself away from me.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I'm still cleaning the counter and I still have flour all over myself. I don't want you to get dirty again." He said, chuckling. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I see you're wearing my hoodie." He said.

"It's comfortable and I never got to buy myself any new ones whilst I was stuck with the Quads and Jennis." I said. He put the flour in the bin and gave me a hug, trying his hardest not to get any more flour on me.

"Well, you don't need to worry about them anymore. You have me, and that's all that matters." He said, kissing my nose. I blushed.

He went upstairs to go and have his shower. The oven starts beeping. The brownies were ready. I put on my oven gloves and opened the oven, carefully taking the brownies out. I set them down on the counter to cool down.

I went to sit down on the sofa and I was looking through Instagram. I had a whole bunch of notifications. I hadn't been on my phone in the longest time, I was too caught up with the pregnancy and everything else that was going on.

All of my pictures were full of comments. From Julian's fans. Some were from mine as well. I thought they all forgot about me. I thought they just moved on.

"Y/n, I don't know if you're reading this, but we need you. So does Julian. Wherever you are, just know that we love you 💚💚"

"I love you so much, if something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do. #prayfory/n"

The comments were all positive. It overwhelmed me how much all these people cared about me. Julian came down the stairs, dressed in a pair of black Adidas jogging bottoms, a grey shirt and a black zip up hoodie.

I got up and placed the brownies onto a plate. I brought them over to the couches where we both sat down and ate.

"These taste really good. I thought they would be burnt!" He said. I laughed. It was an awkward laugh. He looked at me with a confused expression on his face. He could tell something was up.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" He asked, as he wrapped his arm around me. His voice was soft and gentle. I sighed.

"I was on Instagram. I had a bunch of comments, all of them were people sending thoughts and prayers to me. They don't know I'm alive. I feel so bad. I just want them to all know I'm ok." I said. He nodded.

"If you want to tell them, you can. We can go live right now if you want to." He said. I nodded. He kissed my cheek.

He got it laptop and set it on the table next to the plate of brownies. He turned it on, logged into his account, opened the web browser and went onto YouNow. We were live.

Millions of comments were flooding the chat. It was just a bunch of surprised Goonies. Why hasn't Julian gone live in so long? Why am I with him?

"Before any of you start asking questions, we want to tell you the true story. We know clips of this broadcast will end up on the Muser Shade Room and on Messy Monday, but we don't care. We want you to know the truth now before you find it out from someone else." Julian said. I took a deep breath.

"About 8 months ago, I went through a really difficult time. My ex boyfriend became my friend but his Quadruplet brother and sisters, along with his other sister, started to come after me and my friends. His siblings killed my parents and my cousin, the only family I had left, and I had to witness the whole thing." I said. I began to tear up. Julian wrapped an arm around me.

"Y/n, we're so sorry to hear that 💙🙏🏼"

"A few days after y/n had received the news about her family, I took her into the bathtub. There was alcohol, it had been a long time since we'd actually had time to relax and unwind. We went to sleep, the next day one of her ex's siblings messaged her and told her to come alone." He said.

"I went there and they tortured me. My ex boyfriend was also there, he was also being tortured." I said.

"They let her ring me. She was telling me how much she loved me and then I heard several gunshots. Later on was her funeral, everyone made their speeches. Once I'd made mine, the siblings all appeared onto the stage. They made me open her coffin and it was empty." He said.

"They tortured me for 8 months. They made me do everything for them, but if I didn't obey them, I'd get beaten up. They finally let me go. I came straight to Julian." I said.

"We spoke for a while. Then, y/n dropped a huge bombshell. She's pregnant. 8 months pregnant. With my son. That night when we got drunk, we had sex without even knowing it." He said. I took another deep breath.

"We know we're young, too young for a baby, but we are going to do our best for our son. We know some of you won't be happy about it, but it's life. We are both going to have to change our lives around completely, and we are fine with it. Julian has moved in with me, the baby is due in 1 week. Although it is scary, it's a new step for us." I said.

"Being so far away from each other for 8 months ruined our relationship. We aren't together anymore, but we live together because we don't want our son to live a complicated wife. We both still have feelings for one another, so we will try to make things work, but it's still too soon. We want to wait until he is born, hopefully he will bring us closer. We hope you all understand." He said.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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