Chapter 78

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2 Years Later
Vanessa POV

"Okay, okay, don't panic."I whispered to myself.

Two years ago, my family was broken. I thought it'd be broken beyond repair. I messed up everything and even lost myself in the midst of it all.

But with a loving and caring wife by my side, I found myself and she helped me pick up the pieces and put my marriage back together over time. We had to tear down everything we'd built over the years and start fresh. Which was hard for the both us considering that we both already had two kids together. I'd gained her trust back over time and now, my marriage is stronger than ever. My family is back together as if my infidelity never happened. And that, I'm so very grateful for.

And here we are two years later, going strong. Our ninth anniversary was coming up in a few months and we were already on our third baby.

Earlier this year, Alicia made seven years old and Angel made four. We were about to welcome our third baby girl, Ahjanika(ah-juh-ne-kah) in just a few hours.

My water broke in the middle of the night and I was just feeling it at two in the morning.

We already had the baby bag packed and in the trunk of Mynetta's car so that's where I went. I wobbled my way down the stairs and out the door to the garage. I didn't want to wake anyone; I wanted to be as quiet as possible. And I succeeded.

I prayed the whole way over to the hospital; it was dark and I could barely see due to still be half asleep. Somehow, I made it to the hospital safely and managed to call my doctor.

"I-I'm in labor."I screamed, hoping to catch someone's attention. The receptionist looked up at me as I wobbled in. He jumped up from his seat and left to desk to help me.

"Are you okay?"he asked me.

"No, I'm just about to push a baby out of my vagina with no epidural."I spoke with sarcasm.

"Stay calm okay, I'll call a doctor to bring a stretcher."

"I already called my doctor."

"They're just going to bring you to the pregnancy ward."

Two minutes later, a stretcher and four doctors came flying out of the elevator. They helped me onto it and we went up the elevator. They took me up to the fifth floor and wheeled me into a hospital room.

"Do you have any family downstairs?"one asked.

"No, they're all at home."

"Do you have enough strength to call someone."

"No. I think I'm ready to push."

I was hooked up to a number of machines so the nurses could check me for all types of bullshit. These sudden contractions were starting to really get to me; I just wanted this baby out of me.

"You're not seven centimeters dilated yet sweetie. The hospital can not give you the epidural until you're ready to push."A nurse informed me which made me angry.

"Go get me that fucking epidural before I spazz out on you!"I gritted my teeth. I released her shirt which sent her a little ways back. "Okay."She muttered and exited the hospital room.

"You sure you don't have enough strength to call someone ?"The guy asked me once again.

"Uh, I can try. Their all sleep though, they might not answer."

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