Chapter 39

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Just to clear the new ages up before the chapter starts:

Four years later- July 18th
Vanessa POV

I dragged myself out of the bed at 8:30am today and went straight to the bathroom to complete my hygiene routine.

I pulled on a new lounge outfit. I planned to lounge today. Well, I just sit around the house everyday and basically do nothing. I wear dark colored clothes from the top to my toes, because that's what I feel like on the inside. I lost almost everyone that meant something to me; it's like I meant nothing to them. First, it was Layla. I thought she was in it for me but that night we all got kidnapped, her truth came to the light. She had been playing me like a fiddle, trying to trap me. At first, I didn't believe what Chayla was saying until I put the pieces together at a later date. Layla would always ask me for money, to buy her things and take her places. She was just using me for my money, she didn't really care for me. And to think, I played Mynetta for her. I played Mynetta to the point where she got hurt and up and left me. I haven't talked to her in four years, I haven't even left the house in four years.

After witnessing all of those people die right in front of my eyes, I decided that I needed a change of scenery. So, I moved back to Louisiana a week after staying in that house. I couldn't stay any longer. I was being haunted day in and day out by the lost souls of Tamara and Peppa. It's like, I could hear her voice and Peppa's bark even though they weren't there. I stayed in that house for a week until I couldn't stomach it anymore. So four to five years ago, I packed up all my belongings and moved back down to my home town— Baton Rouge. I found a nice little apartment, big enough for myself and bought it. The only problem was, the things that I bought with me, were constant reminders of Layla, Mynetta, my parents, Peppa and Tam and I just couldn't live like that. I had to forget about them, so I bought a whole new wardrobe. I've been wearing dark colored clothes ever since.

I never leave the house, only for business inquires. I decided to disregard my dreams of being an actress and just went on to be an anesthesiologist. I'm off for the next three days though, so I just sit around the house. Yes, my life is pretty boring but I'm content with that and it's okay. My life has been drama free for the past five years and that's good as well, I don't need toxic relationships in my life anymore. I'm content with myself and my life.

My head perked up when I heard my phone ringing. That old thing never rings unless my job is calling. I don't get on it. I mean, I deleted my Instagram but I still have snapchat that I rarely get on. I don't text anybody but Markus or Malaysia and when I do, they say I type dryly. They both still live in Detroit. Malaysia is supposed to be coming down here to visit me soon. Well, that's what she told me the last time we talked. She's only staying down here for three days though.

I heard the phone ringing but I couldn't see it. I heard it vibrating though.

I pulled up the couch cushion and looked at it. I still have the iphone7plus but the glass screen protector cracked, so I took it off a while back. I slid the bar over to answer it and pressed it up to my ear.

It was my boss, Mr.Wung-Kaoski. He's a little Asian man that's mixed with white.

"We need you to come in!"

"I'm off today."

"Well, you've been called in so get here now."

"So you want me to work on my off day?"

"You're favorite patient requested you, hurry!"He hung up the phone. Favorite patient? What favorite patient? How could I have a favorite patient if I don't even talk to the patients. I just deliver anesthesia and keep it moving with my life. As a matter of fact, I don't even talk to my coworkers. I mean, some of them talk to me but I just respond with one word answers to end the conversation because most of the time, it's awkward.

I went back to my bedroom to get dressed into my work uniform. Blue scrubs, which is okay with me. I pulled on my all white Nike shoes and pulled my hair back into a low ponytail.

In no time, I was at work. "Hello, Mrs.Summers!"The patient in the hospital bed greeted.

"Mrs.Summers is my mom, just call me Vanessa."

"You're the nicest one in here. The others are just stuck up snobs!"He complained about the other nurses and doctors in this wing. "What're you here for this time?"I asked, just trying to past time as I cleaned the needles.

"Well, I was tryna help my one ah mu grankids fix the fence in his backyard. He drilled a nail in me instead."Mr.Victor replied. I rolled my eyes in my head. Mr. Victor's an old man that's always getting hurt and telling stories about his kids and grandkids. He's got to realize that his bones are just too old for him to be doing all of the stuff that his doing on the daily.

"That's weird. Tell me more,"I replied and tuned him out as I stuck the needle inside him which drained all of the amnesia out and into his body to make him go to sleep.

This was just a filler chapter and yes, I know, boring. The "drama" will start back up in the next chapter though.

Are you guys still reading? How's the story? Do you think it's flowing along nice and smooth? What do you think has happened to the current main characters over the past four years that was skipped? What are some ideas you have for this story?

C. Baby

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