Chapter 37

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Dream POV

I felt cold water being splashed on my face which made my eyes spring open. My vision slowly came back and became clear as I blinked. I looked around to see Mynetta tied up to a chair. Where's her wheelchair though? She was currently bawling her eyes out, but why?

I looked to my left to see Layla, also tied up. Why are they tied up? What's going on?

I looked down at my own body to see myself tied up as well. What the hell? I bit my lip, trying to make sure that what I'm seeing right now is real. I released my bottom lip from my teeth's grip and tried to wiggle out of the ropes. Only, that made my skin burn and it just felt like the ropes would get tighter as I tried to wiggle out of them. How did we all get here and why were we here?

Last thing I remember, the three of us were having a conversation in a nice and quiet restaurant. So how did we even get here. A door opened and soon slammed shut. I looked around to see the door that I heard but it wasn't there. It must be behind us then.

Two silhouettes emerged from the darkness and into the light, revealing themselves. I almost shit myself when I saw who the two silhouettes belonged to. Chayla and Harley. The two people I've hated for the past year, the ones that took advantage of me last year. How did they find me here in Detroit though?

"I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here."Harley's old ass started. I rolled my eyes. Now is not the time to be playing games. Like, who kidnaps three young adults and why?

"Yes, we are,"Layla spoke up but Chayla smacked her.

"Don't speak unless spoken to. And lil bitch inna corner, cut that whiny baby shit out. Soft ass!"She demanded.

The fuck is their problem with the three of us? We–well, I haven't done anything horrible to anybody my whole life. I was raised to respect others unless they deserve the shit talking plate that'll get handed to them if they get out of line. And Chayla is out of line with this, but I really can't do anything. Why I can't? Because I'm tied to a chair and wasting my breath on her will only get me smacked. Then I'll get mad because I can't do anything back to her. So I'll just save myself the trouble and just go along with whatever the hell their saying.

"I guess I should tell you guys why you're here. But let's start off with Dream–or should I say, VANESSA, and her life story?"Chayla smirked. As soon as she revealed my real name to Layla and Mynetta, I was off board. I can't go along with this. Chayla's about to possibly ruin my whole life if she keeps running her mouth. I had originally planned on telling Mynetta, not Layla. But now that we're all here and probably going to die anyway; I figured, let Chayla tell my life story. Well, I really didn't have a choice. But how and why would she know so much information on me and my past life?

"Dream's real name is Vanessa Hazel Summers, to begin with. Her parents, Kamille Summers and Melanie Summers got married and went out and killed three people when she was just two years old. Her dead beat ass parents got sent off to jail and she was shipped here with her little maid, Tamara."Chayla spilled.

"Vanessa?"Mynetta and Layla asked at the same time. My head dropped. I could not look either one of them in the eye, not while this is going on.

"When VANESSA and Tamara came down here, she had to change her name to keep her past identity a secret."She kept putting emphasis on my real name like she was trying to pick a bone with me. The bone had been picked at a long time ago and you can rest assure that I'll get my revenge on this whore for telling all of my business.

"Hence why the both of you and everyone else call her Dream. Dream Nicholas was the name she picked when she was six, when they moved out here. She went from living in a mansion down in Louisiana to a two story in fucked up Detroit. How that go?"She chuckled but I didn't find anything funny.

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