Chapter 16

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Chapter 16,17,18 & 19 are Thanksgiving presents from me to you.
Two days later
Vanessa POV

My finger slammed down on the ignore button once again. It was ten o'clock in the morning and Mynetta woke me up by blowing my phone up with missed calls.

This was her fifth call I've ignored, I don't even know why she's calling. After what happened two nights ago with her and that trick, Riane, I don't want anything to do with her. At the moment, that is.

Today is Monday, I have three classes today. Back to back starting at seven am and ending at eleven. Mynetta is already ruining my day and I haven't even gotten out of bed yet. She knows where all my classes are so I figured that she'd bother me there but this girl really about to get blocked if she calls one more time. She seemed pretty happy with her temporary hoe, so whys she blowing my line.

What really pissed me off though? I haven't heard from Layla since Saturday night. She said she would text me but she never did. I don't know why she hasn't and I can't check anything. I don't want to seem needy or eager for her. The only option I have, is to wait.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait long. As soon as I stepped out of the shower, I heard my phone ding with a text message from
Layla. I wrapped the towel around my body and picked it up.

Lay😜: meet me at Wendy's on 75, midtown

Hm, is Layla worth missing class for? I was so eager for a text from her and now I'm contemplating on meeting up with her. I sent a text back, asking what time. She told me one o'clock. I didn't text back after that but I'm glad she didn't say any time this morning. I've never missed a college class before and I don't want to start now. I'm a junior in college and I can't afford to mess up, I'm too close to the finish line to fuck up. I've been studying to become a medical assistant and nothing is going to stand in the way of my education. Nothing...

I put the phone down and went to my closet. I got dressed in sweatpants and a tank with my hair pulled up into a bun. "Shit."I mumbled after seeing that I didn't have any contacts left in the tabs. I huffed and opened the drawer under the sink and pulled out a black pair of prescribed Versace glasses.

I grabbed my phone, slid it into my pants pocket and jogged down the staircase.

"Good morning."I greeted the three of them as I entered the kitchen. "Mornin'."They greeted back in unison.

"I'm taking your car."I told Tam as I grabbed the keys to her dark blue BMW. It was a "push to start" type of car, I only bring the keys just in case I get locked out. I've locked myself out before and had to wait hours before she came to get me, don't want a repeat. I grabbed a plate of bacon and went out to the garage. I climbed inside and pushed the start button.

I stuffed two pieces of bacon into my mouth before cleaning the grease off of my fingers and onto a napkin and reversing out of the garage and drive way.

I drove around the parking lot and found my usual spot already occupied by... Mynetta's RAV4. I just rolled my eyes, this girl's pettiness is getting out of hand. Instead of calling to demand her to move her car, I found another one all the way on the other side of the parking lot. I walked inside of the building, got on the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. My first and second class was on the second floor and my third was on the first floor. I was okay with that, I could go straight to my car when I was finished.

There was another person in the elevator, obviously waiting for his or her stop. I heard giggling escape from her mouth and I immediately found that it was a female. I kept my head straight but side eyed the chick that couldn't stop giggling.

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