Chapter 17

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Vanessa POV

I parked Tam's BMW right in front of the Wendy's. I stepped out and fixed the bow of the bottom piece of the outfit I was wearing. I fixed my wig and fluffed out the back of my skirt.

"You look beautiful."Layla spoke as she walked up to me.

"Thank you, so do you."I complimented, taking in her outfit. She had on a regular; jeans, a shirt and a pair of Nike. Her hair was in a low, messy bun but she was still pretty.

"Wendy's is all I bought money for, sorry if it's not up to par like those expensive restaurants you must go to."She spoke, taking my hand. "Actually I don't go to expensive restaurants that much. Wendy's is just fine for me."I smiled. "So, I was thinking. After lunch, we can chill in your car."She replied after we ordered and found our table by the window.

"I don't know you like that."I laughed, pushing a fry into my mouth. "Well what do you want to know?"She ripped off a piece of my burger and bit into it even though she had her own food sitting right in front of her.

"Hey, that's my burger."I tried to snatch it back but she had already stuffed the rest in to her mouth. I picked up the remaining piece and started to eat it.

"Things like...what's your life like, do you have any siblings? How are you doing in school? What grade are you in? What company do you like to keep? How's your home? How did your parents meet? You know stuff like that."I suggested.

"Okay, I tell you about me. Then you do the same."She said, I agreed. "Well I'm a junior in high school, I get mostly B's for grades. I don't have any siblings and I don't know my parents."She started.

Layla POV

"Well I'm a junior in high school, I make mostly B's for grades."I started, preparing my lie in my head. "I don't have any siblings and I don't know my parents."I lied to her.

I had to lie to Dream, to get her on my side. I had to get as close to her as possible in order for my plan to work. This girl is rich; I can tell by the cars she rolls up in, the clothes she wear and she always has a different hair style every time I see her. I can tell she's walking around with money falling at her feet every step she takes. I need this plan to work.

"My home, um... I live by myself and as for company, I have two friends. They're names are Tristen and Lotiezha(low-tease-ya). Their both juniors as well."I replied.

"What school you go to?"Dream continued to question me. I knew she was just curious so I answered all of her questions with ease. I couldn't lie and tell her my real school; in the dumps. It's a broke down, ghetto school with a messed up system and curriculum.

"Denby."I lied. I actually go to Pershing High School.

"Enough about me. I wanna hear about you."I say, trying to switch the topics. I was already tired of lying and my trail was really, just getting started.

"Well, as you know, I'm twenty. I'm a junior in college, studying medical assistance. I graduated Valedictorian in high school and I only have, like, four friends. Ion really trust people around here."She started but I really just wanted to hear about her financial situations.

"You've lived here your whole life?"I asked. "Nah, I moved here when I was six."She replied.

"Not to be all the way in your business but... what's your sex life like?"I asked. I needed to know about her sex life just invade I might need to persuade her. I've learned that sex is the best form of persuasion from my sister. If seducing Dream is what it takes for me to get out of the ghetto, I'll do it. I see what she walks around and drives in, I won't be surprised if her house huge. Well, any house is huge to me if it's not a trailer. "Well, um..."She started.

"I'm not a virgin, I've done it with one of my friends. Days after that, I went back to my home state to visit someone, I got raped by two different people. Since then, I'm not active at all in that compartment."She informed me.

Shit! "Oh..."I mumbled.

She nodded. The conversation kind've died down after that but I was determined to keep it alive.

"You finished?"I asked. She nodded, balling the wrapper up and stuffing it into the container that held nothing but space.

We gathered everything and I threw it away on our way out. I followed her to the her car and got in the passenger side.

"Where's your car?"She asked.

"I walked."I replied. "I don't have a car."

"You need a ride home? Kinda hot to be walking."

I don't think that's a good idea for her to be bringing me home. The look on her face when she finds out that I live in a trailer will be priceless and not in a good way. Plus, my neighborhood is not safe for some rich girl to be in. Especially if she's driving around in this expensive ass car. I made sure I took a picture of her wheel and posted it to Snapchat so that my other broke ass friends could see that I was chilling in something expensive.

I saw her phone flash, indicating that some type of notification had come through. It was a text from somebody named "MamaK". She looked at it. "Come home now, emergency."She read the text message. "What's wrong?"I asked. "I don't know but I'm about to find out. You want a ride home?"She asked, pressing the button to start the car. She pulled off before I could even say anything.

I directed her on where to go to bring me home.

"I can walk from here."I tell her, unbuckling my seatbelt when she stopped at Kmart.

"You sure?"She asked. I nodded. "I'll text you."I say, closing the door. I disappeared behind the store and didn't come out until I saw her pull off. When she was all the way down the street, I came out of hiding and headed back to my moms home.

C. Baby

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