Chapter 74

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Mynetta POV

"Okay, I'm ready to go."I mumbled.

"Vanessa told me to give you this."Ernecia spoke up as she handed me an envelope. I rolled my eyes and ripped it open.

It was a letter. "Nothing I can say will reverse the pain I've caused you. I am really sorry. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."I read aloud. "That's bullshit."I muttered to myself.

Vanessa had me wake up at nine in the morning for some bullshit. I was dressed in a green two piece outfit (in m/m), my hair was laid and my make up was on point.

"She said to go to the address at the bottom of the note. And she also said to be there at eleven."She added. I checked the time on the oven seeing that I had thirty minutes left before I had to leave. And the address to the place was all he way across town. I was going to be late but I didn't care. I took my time on my way over there, not caring.

When I got to the community center, it looked dead. I hope she didn't stand me up. I walked inside of the building to see a bunch of people in a line. As I walked past the people, they each handed me a flower. By the end of the line, I had twelve roses in my hand. I can admit, I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach. The flowers smelled like my favorite perfume too.

I couldn't help but to smile as I clutched the flowers in my arms.

"I'll go put these in your car for you."Some lady said. I reluctantly handed her my keys.

"Mynetta, just hear me out okay..."Vanessa spoke as she came out of the shadows.

I rolled my eyes. Of course, I was over it. This is the most romantic thing she's done for me in years. But I had to embarrass her just one last time. Then I'll give in.

I listened to her talk on and on about how she loved me. She went over to a table and grabbed a box. She handed it to me. I could see that there was a cake inside. I went over to the table and sat it down.

"Hold up, I got you something else."She stopped me as she pushed a heavier box out from under the table. A kennel was in my vision. "Is this a dog?"I asked, shocked. I never had a dog. If this is a dog I'll be so happy.

"Yes."She answered.

"Look, this note you wrote."I started, ready to make a scene. I had to do this. I snatched the note from the envelope and started ripping it to pieces.

"Keep the bullshit excuses to yourself."I snapped. "I'm take the cake and I'm taking the dog. But I'm not taking you. Goodbye Vanessa."I grabbed the hook on the top of the kennel and the cake box and sashayed out of there. What I just did, was an act. Vanessa was in for a surprise when she got home.

I forgave her when I received that first flower from those people.

I walked inside of the house and toted my cake upstairs to my room. It was mine and mine only.

"Kids!"I called. In seconds, Angel and Alicia were coming down the stairs.

"Is that a dog?!"Alicia asked.

"Dog?"Angel repeated. I smiled as I opened the kennel door. The dog ran out of the cage. It raced all around and barked. I guess the dog was excited.

"This dog is ours now. Thank Mommy when she gets home."I told them as I looked at the tag that was attached to the cage.

The dog was three months, male and weighed two pounds. The tag had lots of other information but what stood out to me was the name. The line where the name should be was blank.

"Looks like we need to give him a name..."I told them as he sniffed them. He was just trying to get familiar with them. They've seen dogs on television and they've always wanted one.

"How about Kalah?"Alicia suggested. I shook my head. "It's a boy dog."I told her.

"Pablo?"I asked. They both nodded in agreement.

I found a pen and wrote in the name on the blank. Pablo ran around the house, just trying to get himself familiar with the place. He was excited. Hours passed and the four of us were just playing with the dog.

Nighttime was nearing but nobody wanted to sleep. I left Ernecia downstairs with the kids and Pablo. I went upstairs to get ready for tonight. I freshened up and dressed in the finest lingerie I could find in the closet.

"When you coming home?"I read aloud as I typed the message. I sent the message to Vanessa and almost instantly got a reply. She said that she's on her way home now. While I waited for her to get home, I texted Jalaia telling her that I could no longer see her. I told her that my wife and I were going to try to work things out. I gave her hope by adding "if things don't work out, I'll be sure to hit you up" although I knew that she knew it was false hope.

I haven't had sex in weeks and just thinking about it got me wet. I couldn't wait for Vanessa to get home...

I have a new book coming out. Guess who it's about... CARDI B AND NICKI MINAJ. This new book I'm bringing you, is a world where my two FAVORITE female artist live in a world together and get along. And to add to that, guess what else... bihhhhh it's so much tea in that book. I've been working on it a lot and already have like 35 or 36 chapters in my notes, ready to be read. I'm releasing the first six, not five, SIX chapters. I'd appreciate it if y'all check it out, of course it'll have both of them on the cover so it'll be easier to find on my page. In real life, I love both Cardi and Nicki and their music. And if you know me personally, you know I'm like always quoting Cardi okurrr! I'd love it if y'all checked that out for me while I crank out the last few chapters of this book.

C. Baby

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