New Arrivals

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"Are you sure you want me there?" I check one more time. Ben had come to me and asked if I would attend the welcome with him and Audrey. We've been friends for years, but I have no idea what spurred this!

Ben gives a nervous smile. "Yes, Ellie. I want you there. You're one of the only people who might understand how they feel here."

I've heard them my whole life, but the words still prick my heart. "What is that supposed to mean?"

His face turns terrified. "No! I didn't mean---you're not---Oh, I'm an idiot." he mumbles. "I meant, people bully you a lot. I've tried telling people to stop. But you are one of the few people who could've ended up on the Isle. You might understand their, um, situation."

"That's the only reason you want me there?" I accuse. 

"That, and you're one of the only people that can keep Audrey in check." Ben says with a tiny smile. I burst out laughing and he takes that to mean I've forgiven him. "So you'll come? It's in like two hours."

I nod. "I'll be there. I promise."

the he gets fidgety. "Hey, have you About tomorrow's deadline?"

Unintentionally, my body goes cold with fear. "I'm not doing it."

He smiles for real. "I figured. Dad and Fairy Godmother aren't happy, but that's their loss. I personally think your magic is amazing. So what if Queen Elsa chose to let hers get taken away? New magic might just be what this kingdom needs."

And it's those words that convince me finally that Ben is the perfect leader for this kingdom.


A few short (and chaotic) hours later, Ben, Audrey, Fairy Godmother, the entire marching band, and I are waiting at the entrance of the school. I tug on my gloves nervously. This could go so wrong... I think to myself. 

Then the limo pulls up. 

The band hurriedly starts playing an annoying tune, and the limo comes to a stop, and the doors open up to reveal...

Two boys. Fighting over a blanket. One with long dark hair and a red beanie with yellow leather. Jafar's kid? And the other one, obviously Cruella De Vil's boy, with white hair that has black roots and completely red-white-and-black clothing. 

"OW! Stop it, you got EVERYTHING else, why do you want whatever this is??" The white-haired boy says in a squealy voice. I gape at them.

"Cuz you want it! Give it to me!" Beanie boy growls. Two girls get out of the car in the midst of this, one that is remarkably blue, and one...


This must be Maleficent's daughter. Purple hair, purple-pink-and-green leather, and a wicked gleam to her eye. 

Blue girl does a twirl, taking Auradon in. Her face shows how happy she is to be here. She looks positively enchanted.

Fairy Godmother breaks through the band with her arms spread wide. Purple girl whispers, "Guys, guys, guys!" and steps in front of the two boys. "We have an audience," she scolds, putting her hands on her hips and smiling.

" up!" Beanie boy says. "Get up." he growls at white-hair. He pulls the other off the ground. 

"Leave it like you found it!" FG sings. "And by that I mean just leave it." she clarifies. Beanie boy gives a look to the driver then throws everything back in the limo. Then Beanie boy catches Audrey's eye. 

Elicia's Ice-A Descendants Novel BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now