Some of my fans wanted to know her name but I don´t want to give it away yet. They´ll stalk poor Pez.

I soon got bored and decided to prepare some breakfast for Perie because I know that she loves food there´s literally no time when she can´t eat. I cook some bacon and make her and myself a bacon sandwich. i look at the clock and see that it´s 9 o´clock and Perrie had to be at school at around 10 so I went upstairs with the food and tried to wake her up which was way more difficult than I thought.

I first tried to wake her up with tender touches and slight shakes

"Babe wake up you have to go to work"

Not even a movement.

I threw her blanket on the floor and jumped on top of her starting to kiss her neck.

She rolled over and continued to sleep.

I huffed defeated and filled a bucket with ice cold water and threw it over her.

She once again just rolled over and continued to sleep.

I watched her and gave up. I leaned in and kissed her lips I was surprised when I felt her kissing me back.

I pulled away and looked in those perfect blue eyes I learned to love but this time being a lighter shade of blue due to her sleepiness.

"Morning beautiful"

"Morning, why am I and my bed wet? I didn´t wet the bed did I?" she´s so cute when she´s half asleep and her voice is so raspy and sexy I can´t help myself but getting slightly turned on.

I laughed at her question and confusion "No, you didn´t why´d you ask that?"

"Well, maybe I last wet my bed at age 12"

"What you really did that with 12" I couldn´t hold back my laughter anymore. I rolled on the floor laughing and clutching my stomach because I laughed to much

"So why am i wet?" Pez asked while eating her sandwich. I told you she loves food.

"You wouldn´t wake up and I tried everything including throwing a bucket full of cold water over you but it didn´t work"

"Yeah sorry I´m really moody in the morning and I like my sleep I´m really hard to wake up but thanks for trying and making me breakfast"

"You´re welcome. Oh and you should get ready you´ve got to be at school in half an hour"

Her eyes widened and she kissed my cheek before rushing into the bathroom to take a shower. In the meantime I finished breakfast and did the dishes.

Perrie soon rushes down the stairs wearing a summer dress and a cardigan with some high heels. She kisses me on the lips and says her byes as she wants to leave but I grab her wrist.

"I´ll drive you"

"But Jade-"

"No arguing or you´re going to be late"

We enter my car and are on our way to school.

"You know Pez. A lot of people asked if I was single and I said that I had a girlfriend and they wanted to know your name but I didn´t want them to know at least not yet."

"That´s alright sooner or later everyone´s going to know it so the sooner the better"

I smiled at her answer and grabbed her hand in mine as I drove.

"What were you doing when I was asleep I mean besides watching me like the creep you are?"

"I did not watch you sleeping"

"Liar! I saw your lock screen"

"Damn. umm I just went to explore you know get to know your house and stuff nice book collection by the way"

"Oi shut up Thirlwall you´re just jealous"

"But why do you have that many books?"

"As I told you before I think that knowledge is an advantage and books are a help to get even more knowledge or just to relax or think of new things you haven´t thought about before. I like to analyse them and think about the hidden message behind it. I know it sounds really geeky and all but I like to think about it and think about the things that happen all the time"

"No it´s not geeky it´s very interesting. How come i always seem to be very dumb when I´m around you?"

She giggled her melodic giggle "You´re not dumb. I like to think that we balance each other you know like you know more in special topics and I know more in other topics"

"Yeah I think that works"

we chat about random stuff and soon arrive at school. Too soon for my liking.

Pez leaned in and pecked my cheek "I´ll miss you. Don´t do anything stupid baba. i love you"

I pulled her in for a real kiss and said when we pulled away, "I´ll miss you too. I won´t i promise and I keep my promises. Now get these uneducated people some education. I love you too"

She walked inside and I missed her already. 

I got a text from Leigh it read

Hey Poopey, you got an interview today at midday. Sorry I tell you so late but it was spontaneous. I think you got some things to clear with the media anyways. See you later xx-Leigh

I guess I´ll get ready for an interview then.


Hey hope you enjoyed it and again thanks for everything :D I hope it doesn´t suck i wrote this chapter while watching the world cup so yeah. See you on the next update <3

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