Chapter Thirty Five: Reality

Start from the beginning

"I'm happy your safe." Sasuke mumbled as everyone else went quickly and quietly out the room. Smiling I take my hand and place it on his head, ruffling his duck butt hair.

"Thank you Sasuke, now shoo shooo, I have to notify our sensei about somethings." Everyone leaving the room quickly and quietly I let my smile drop. My eyes tearing up I drop to the floor on my knees right next to Kakashi. "Hold me." I manage to whisper out softly, as I ponder everything that happened. Without hesitation I feel Kakashi's arms wrap around me swiftly, his hand cupping the back of my head, as I placed it on his chest.

"What happened (Y/n)? Tell me what's wrong." Kakashi mumbled as I feel him run his fingers through my hair soothingly. My fear taking over I move my hands from my head to wrap around Kakashi.

"It was horrible Kakashi. It was dark, and then Orochimaru came out of nowhere in my dream and told me that he brought me 'back home' to this world! And we fought a little but something was happening to me.. my body had tattoos and my hair was white. It was horrible Kakashi, it was just so horrible. When I screamed and woke up, you all were here and my anxiety kicked in. It's odd because when I saw all of you I couldn't remember anyone except you. And then with all the people, and everyone's eyes on me.. it was to much to handle. So I left, abruptly, but I left." Moving my head from Kakashi's chest I look into his eye to see it filled with concern.

"I'm here (Y/n). And I swear I'll never let anyone touch you, scare you, or harm you in anyway again. When your with me, in these arms, you'll always be safe." Feeling my heart skip a beat I finally feel the anxiousness leave my body.

"Thank you Kakashi." Placing my head back down on his chest I breathe out letting my heart calm down. "Thank you, thank you so much Kakashi."

Kakashi shushing me, he slowly begins rocking us back and forth, "don't worry about thanking me right now. I'm always here for you, don't forget that. All you need to worry about is what you'll eat for breakfast tomorrow, okay?"

Smiling I lift my head placing a kiss of on his masked lips, "your the best boyfriend ever. I'm so happy I have you." Kakashi's hands running through my hair I smile gently.

"Lets get some sleep beautiful. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for you and Sakura." Nodding, me and Kakashi slowly separate. Laying on top the small bed I slowly move my self under the comforters. Watching Kakashi I slowly see him get up. Walking over to his bag he brings out his sleep pants. Kakashi undoing his vest he swiftly takes it off as well as his shirt. Kakashi taking a quick glance over his shoulder gives me a smirk.

Blushing I look down immediately, "sorry." With a light laugh, my eyes look back up to see Kakashi stepping out his pants leaving him in his boxers.

"It's so hard to believe I'm the only pervert in this relationship." Kakashi retorted back as he stepped into his long sleep pants. Kakashi lifting his hands to his head, his fingers undo his headband gently before laying it down.

"Well I can't help that your hot, I mean damn, like why are you so muscular and your skin so smooth? It's frustrating knowing your this hot." I mumble irritated as I fold my arms under my head and lay on the pillow. Kakashi walking over sits, before slowly moving under the comforters as I was.

"Nice to know I get you sexually frustrated," Kakashi mused.

"Oh shut it, and come here and cuddle with me." I mumble agitated as I lift my left arm wrapping it around Kakashi's torso. Moving my head I place it on his arm that wrapped underneath me. Lastly placing my legs, I put one in between his, and then my left leg on top. "Your my safe haven Kakashi. Don't move, you keep the bad dreams out. Just always keep an arm around me, okay?" My eyes shutting I feel my consciousness slipping away.

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