"i don't dance." zayn repeats.

"i don't care."

who came to make sweet love? not me.
who came to kiss and hug? not me.

this song was definitely not appropriate for an office party but dylan doesn't seem to care as he turns around. dylan starts to grind on him and zayn stands there in shock. he was not about to do this in front of everyone.

dylan turns back around and leans in so their faces are centimeters apart. "come on zayn. let loose."

"i don't think so." zayn protests.

"you're never going to see these people again." dylan points out. "come on zayn." he repeats. dylan lets his lips brush up against his before he turns back around. a chill runs through zayn's body and he hates himself for it.

zayn's hands find their way to dylan's waist as dylan moves his hips. he stops worrying about the others around him and focuses on the man in front of him.

face down, ass up.
back, back, back it up.

dylan turns around again with a smirk on his face. he got what he wanted and zayn hates himself for giving it to him. dylan was attractive. zayn's not going to lie and she that he isn't. dylan can also move his hips like a pro and zayn's so fucking turned on.

the song ends and dylan's coworkers start to hoot, holler, and catcall. they're faces are so close to each other and zayn knows that he should back up, but he doesn't want to.

"that was probably the most action they've seen in years." dylan says before pulling away completely. "you're welcome!" he yells out.

zayn excuses himself to go to the restroom. he had a little... problem that he needed to take care of. on his way past a table, he grabs a flute of champagne and gulps it down. it wasn't his but he needed some alcohol in him. this is not how he expected his night to go.

zayn enters the restroom, immediately covering his face with his hands. "fuck." he curses. he removes his hands from his face and looks at himself in the mirror. "liam?" he questions when he sees his reflection. zayn turns around and faces his lover. liam was holding paper towels and his eyes were red and puffy. "what's wrong babe?"

liam sniffs and shakes his head. "it's nothing."

"oh, okay. i cry about nothing all the time." zayn says sarcastically. liam narrows his eyes at him. "what's wrong?"

liam shakes his head and brings the paper towel up to dab his eyes. "i don't like this, zayn."

"don't like what?" zayn asks. seeing liam cry is breaking his heart and all he wants to do is hold him but he doesn't know where they stand.

"i don't like seeing you with dylan. i tried my best to get over it, but i can't. i can't stand the thought of you two together let alone seeing it." liam confesses.


"yeah, yeah. i know. i was the one who called it off. but i didn't expect you to find someone else so quickly! call it selfish, i don't care but i don't like seeing you with anyone else but me."

"liam-" zayn tries to speak but liam cuts him off.

"this is exactly how you felt about me and harry and i always said that you overreacted." liam scoffs. "looks like i've finally tasted my own medicine and i don't fucking like it."

zayn doesn't know what to say. it's nice to be on the other side of things but he doesn't like seeing liam so upset.

"well, i love you." zayn says and takes a step forward. he takes the paper towel from liam's hand and wipes his eyes. liam breaks out into a smile. "ah, there's that pretty smile that i fell in love with."

liam giggles. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to-"

"no need to apologize babe." zayn says quickly and throws the paper towel away. "are you good?"

"yeah." liam nods. "i'm good." zayn flashes him a smile causing liam's smile to grow.

"zayn!" the bathroom door slams open and in stumbles dylan. "zayn." he giggles and clings onto him. clearly the short amount of time that zayn's been in the bathroom, dylan has found more alcohol. "so i've been thinking..."

"whatchu been thinking about?" zayn asks playfully. drunk dylan is amusing to him.

"about something that i've wanted to do all night." dylan giggles and stands on his tiptoes. he wraps his arms around zayn's neck and before he knows it, his lips are on zayn's. zayn gasps in shock and dylan swallows it up, prodding his tongue into his mouth.

the kiss went as soon as it came. it happened so fast. one second dylan is kissing him and the next he's on the floor, holding his jaw.

zayn turns to liam in shock. liam is fuming. zayn's never seen him so mad. "dude, what the fuck?" zayn says and goes down on the floor to help dylan.

this action seems to hit liam in the face because he immediately calms down. "dylan... i am so sorry. i-" they both look up at him and liam looks like he's about to cry again. without saying anything, he hurriedly leaves the restroom.

"are you okay?" zayn asks dylan.

dylan grins. "that was hot as fuck!" dylan cackles but soon hisses. "my jaw hurts like a bitch though."

"yeah he got you good." zayn snickers. they both share a look before they burst out into laughter.

if you would've told zayn that he'd be sitting on a bathroom floor with dylan o'brien as they laughed at absolutely nothing, he'd laugh in your face and tell you to fuck off.

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