Chapter 98: Magnus' POV

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I don't think I ever felt cloud 9, but with Alexander I could care less if I felt it hundred times I'm just glad that I get to feel the lips of my Alexander. When we stopped, I took a huge breath in and I looked at my wonderful Alexander with such happiness.

Magnus: You never cease to amaze me, Alec.

Alec: Yeah, what did I just do?


Uh oh...

Izzy: Father stop!

Clary: RUN!

Before any of us could do anything, a bunch of gunshots were heard.

Everyone started to panic, duck, and run. When it seemed that the coast was clear we looked up to see Valentine...and a gun in his hand.

Izzy: By the angel...

We also saw a Robert and Lydia's dad dead...

We all looked in shocked, just seeing what has happened.

Valentine: My job is almost done, all I need is to get rid of all of you Lightwood scum!

Magnus: NO!

Valentine tried to shoot Alec, but I wasn't going to let him. I got in Alec's way, but he tried to pull me back but I was resisting. Then Clary got in the way, and lifted the gun up all the way to the ceiling, and that's where Valentine shot instead. Soon Clary was knocked to the floor, and what was even worse was that the chandelier on the ceiling was falling! It must've been shot when Clary moved the gun out of out way. None of us wasted any time with trying to run as fast as we could, every single person was running out of there and not looking back.

Jace: Let's get out of here, now!

We ran out of there as soon as possible, until we got cornered by Valentine again.

Valentine: I don't know how you did it Clarissa, but you were quick to think just like your mother.

Clary: Do not say her name, you have no right!

Valentine: Believe me Clarissa, I never wanted to hurt Jocelyn but I had no choice.

Izzy: Everyone has a choice, Valentine!

Valentine: But with killing my wife...and my daughter I have to make.

Valentine pulled out a gun, and he shot...

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