Chapter 32: Simon's POV

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Someone had opened the door, and I stopped kissing Izzy and stood in the way so that way she wouldn't get hurt. Izzy grabbed my hand very tightly, and shook her head as if to say 'Don't.' The guy had kicked down the door and it was this guy in some uniform as if we were working for some sort of military or royalty even.

Guard: By order of King Robert, release the princess now and give her to me.

Simon: Princess?

Izzy was looking panicked, and I was confused for a moment. Princess? What the hell is this guy talking about?

Simon: Look I don't know who the hell are you, but you better back off now and leave us alone.

Guard: Perhaps I need to let in some more convincing.

The guy took out a gun, and was about to shoot until Izzy threw her mirror at him, then whacked him with her purse.

Simon: Woah.

Izzy: I know, right.

Simon: Come on, let's get out of here.

I grabbed Izzy's hand, and we got out of there as quickly as we could. We tried to find another stall, or another place to hide but the only one we could still find open was the library. We ran in there, and I tried to hide through the bookshelves. Izzy grabbed tables, chairs, and anything she could use to the board the door.

Simon: We should be safe, for now.

Izzy and I hugged each other, and making sure that this was real life and not some sort of fantasy. Izzy went back to her phone, and started to text Alec to tell him about what happened.

Simon: I don't know if it's just me, or if that guard was just delusional or something.

Izzy: Simon?

Simon: Yeah?

Izzy: There's something that I need to tell you.

Simon: What?

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