Chapter 69: Simon's POV

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Izzy: Oh god!

Izzy hit the brakes really quickly, and we are still in the middle of the driveway.

Simon: Relax, you're fine.

Izzy: I'm sorry, it's just that I'm really nervous nervous about this.

Simon: Don't worry, I've been through this too.

Izzy: Really?

Simon: Yeah.

Izzy: But you make driving look easy.

Simon: Because I have experience, and I've already been through the process.

Izzy just sighed, and from the look on her face it showed that she wasn't so sure if she was ready for this.

Simon: You're going to be fine, here's thing that my mom told me when I was in the driver seat.

Izzy: What was that?

Simon: Never let fear control you, if you do then everything that fear has to offer will consume your opinions and will never let you speak for yourself.

Izzy: Sounds like you had a great mom.

Simon: Yeah.

I saw Izzy looking down for a bit, and I knew she was feeling despair. She told me that she only had a mom for such little time, and she never got to hear any kinds of advice from her.

Simon: If you want, I can ask my mom to teach you.

Izzy looked up at me, and said what I wasn't expecting at all.

Izzy: No, I got this.

Simon: Okay.

Izzy pressed on the brakes slowly, and every time she was asked to certain task like turn on your signals she took a deep breath and went on. We just drove around the block, and back to the driveway. Izzy stopped, and she was looking really happy that she made it.

Izzy: By the angel, I did it!

Simon: Told you were going to be fine.

Izzy: Haha, thanks Simon for that.

Simon: No prob-

Izzy cut me off with a kiss, and we were going to go deep that is until a certain someone interrupted us.

Elaine: Hey! The both of you out of my car, and there will be no kissing in this vesicle.

Izzy: Sorry, Miss Lewis.

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