Chapter 12: Jace's POV

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Alec and Magnus were about to- 

*From downstairs.* 

Hodge: Alec, Jace, Izzy, where are you?
Jace: We're coming! 

Magnus and Alec pulled away quickly, and I let Izzy go. 

*Laundry bell rings* 

Magnus: That's my cue. 
Alec: Are you sure you can't join us? 
Magnus: Alexander, I'm fine. 
Jace: Alec, we have to go. 

Alec and I hurried downstairs, and met at the dinner table. Hodge kept talking about how we were going to a new school next week the reason why is because 

1. We're still teenagers
2. He's the principal of the school. 

Apparently, he thinks that it would be weird that he has a whole school of kids yet he doesn't take us. Izzy still wasn't sure if that wasn't such a good idea, since we were still at the risk of being recognized as the royal children of King Robert and Queen Maryse. 

Hodge: Isabelle for the last time America hardly knows anything about Idris, therefore no one knows about you or the fact that there is monarchy over there.
Izzy: I know, but still...
Jace: Speaking about us, does Magnus know that we're royalty?

Hodge: No, he doesn't.
Izzy: I guess that's a start. 

Alec was mostly quiet throughout dinner, and I know why. I guess Magnus really touched him in ways that nobody else could. After dinner, I went to his room I need to talk to him. 

Jace: Alec, can we talk? 
Alec: Sure, what is it? 
Jace: I'm just going to be honest with you, are you in love with Magnus? 
Alec: W-What? 
Jace: Are you in love with- 
Alec: I heard what you said, but...
Jace: But what? 

Alec had remained silent, and it sounds like he was in pain. Pain of not being able to get a single word. 

Jace: Alec, you know you can tell me anything. 

Alec was still silent, until a few moments later he finally said something. 

Alec: Yes....Yes. I am. 
Jace: Why didn't you tell me? 
Alec: I didn't know how you would react...
Jace: Hey same side, remember? 

Alec: Yeah...
Jace: No matter what happens, I'm always going to be here for you. 
Alec: Thanks...

We both gave each other hugs, while giving him pat on the back. I went back to my, and I think everyone in this house was calling it a night. 

Dating Prince Alexander Lightwood?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ