Chapter 82: Alec's POV

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I'm still getting used to living at The Convent, but it's actually really nice here plus I get extra time with Magnus and Madzie too.

Madzie: Oh?

Magnus: Good morning to you too, sweet pea.

Madzie: Eh.

Alec: How is our little princess doing?

Magnus: She just woke up from a nap. Apparently she thinks naps are for suckers, except for night time.

Alec: I think someone taught her that.

Magnus: Says the person that has the most adorable, little snores.

Alec: Hey, I don't snore.

Magnus then does a soft snore, just trying to represent me.

Alec: Very funny.

Catarina: Guys, it's time for breakfast.

Magnus: We better hurry before Cat eats it all up.

After breakfast, Magnus has to go to school while I and my siblings stay here. Luckily days before, we handled the papers that we were officially out of school.

Magnus: Bye.

Alec: Bye.

The day was really slow, and I didn't have anything to do at all. I just mostly spent time with Madzie, and helping Catarina with things. Izzy was still planning the wedding, and forcing Jace to help as well. Eventually I would get caught up in the mix, because Izzy had a problem with Magnus and I's tux.

Alec: Iz, I don't see what's wrong with it.

Izzy: But it's not what I wanted it to look like.

Alec: Izzy, it looks fine.

Izzy: Well I don't think it looks fine at all. I guess I'll have to make it, but I'll have to do it fast.

Alec: Iz, we're fine, Prom isn't going to be here for a long time.

Izzy: Have you lost your mind, Alec? It's already May, and Prom is in two weeks.

(Sorry for the time jump.)

Alec: I thought...

Izzy: It wasn't, that's what I thought so too. Time really does go fast. I'm really sorry, Alec.

Alec: It's fine, Izzy, you don't need to apologize.

Izzy: I just wanted it to be perfect.

Alec: And it will...I'll have a talk with Magnus about it, and maybe we can help. It is our wedding in the first place.

Izzy: Thanks big brother, no problem.

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