Chapter 11: Alec's POV

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I head downstairs for dinner until I hear something. 

Jace: Izzy, have you noticed anything weird about Alec lately? 

Izzy: No. 
Jace: Are you sure? Because he's been stuttering- 
Izzy: Don't you finish that sentence Jace Lightwood! I think I know what might be wrong with Alec, but let's not talk about it tomorrow. Let's do it in his room with the doors closed, so that way he can't avoid the subject. 

Alec: Can't avoid what now? 
Izzy: Oh hey, Alec! 
Alec: Izzy, I heard you all the way from Jace's room, what were you talknig about? 
Izzy: Stuff! 
Alec: Really, stuff? 
Izzy: Really important! 
Alec: Iz, drop the act I know you're trying to hide- 
Izzy: Are you in love with that guy? 
Alec: Wait what? 
Jace: I thought you said that we do this in his- 
Alec: Oh no... 
Izzy: Come on Alec, admit it! 

Alec: Iz...
Izzy: So what's his name? Where are you going on your first date? When are you getting married? 
Alec: His name is Magnus, and I don't know how to answer those two questions because I barely know him. 
Izzy: Well, what are you doing here? Go get him to kiss you, so I can see it with my two eyes! 
Alec: Izzy, it's not that simple- 

*Somewhere upstairs.* 

Is that someone singing?

Magnus: I could lose 
My heart tonight 

If you don't 
Walk away 

Cause the way 
I feel alive 

Lose control and 
Let you stay... 

Jace: Whoa, Magnus has a really nice- 
Alec: Shh! 

Magnus: Cause I could 
Take you in 

My arms and 
Never let go 

I could fall 
In love with 

I could fall 

In love with 

I can only 
Want to have 

Touching you 

I went upstairs, and follow Magnus' beautiful voice. 

Would make me 

But if I 
Take that chance 

Right now 
Tomorrow will you 

Walk me still? 
So why should 

Keep this to 
Myself, and never 

Let you go? 

I could fall 

In love with 

I could fall 
In love with 

And I know 

It's my right 
And I guess 

I should try 
To do what 

I should do 
But I fall 

In love 
Fall in 

Love with you 
I could fall 

In love with 

So why should 
Keep this to 

Myself, and never 
Let you go? 

I could fall 
In love 

With you 
I could fall 

In love with 

I could fall 
In love 

I could fall 
In love 

With you 

I could fall 

In love with 
Fall in love 

With you 

I was standing of where the laundry room was...his voice's beautiful. 

Alec: Nice song. 

Magnus then looks around himself, and then he sees me. 

Magnus: Thanks Alexander! 
Alec: No problem. 
Magnus: Shouldn't you already be at dinner, or did you need something? 
Alec: Actually, I was wondering how come your not joining us? 
Magnus: Oh I wish I could, but I've got laundry to do. 
Alec: Hodge isn't here right now, so why don't you join us? 
Magnus: I'm not sure... 
Izzy: Oh my- 


Jace must've covered her mouth, so thank you Jace you saved me! 

Magnus: What was that? 
Alec: What was what? 
Magnus: Never mind. 
Alec: So will you join me? 
Magnus: Well I guess it wouldn't hurt, and the laundry is no...where....near....

I hadn't realize that Magnus and I were so close, mostly our lips, and I didn't know why but I kept leaning towards him. Surprisingly, he didn't back away...

We both kept leaning in until......

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