Chapter 76: Jaces' POV

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Alec: Remind us why are you driving.

Jace: Because we can't deal with the fact that the ones who were trying to have their first time are driving.

Alec: Yeah, driving my car.

Jace: We're being paranoid by it.

Izzy: At least some good came out of it.

Simon: Is me being blind for the rest of my life good?

Clary: Or is Jace screaming like a girl a good way to make a meme?

Jace: I did not scream like a girl.

Izzy: Then what was that squeamish voice that I heard when you trying to get in the back seat, when all of were about to leave.

Jace: It was a cat.

Alec: Yeah.

Magnus: We'll believe you.

Jace: Uhh.

The rest of the night was trying to clear our heads, and chat throughout the night. We were dropping of Clary first, since she asked but we didn't expect anything like this. When I was about to pull out of the driveway, we heard a scream.

Jace: CLARY!

All of us got out of the car, and when we went inside, we saw her house destroyed and robbed.

Jace: Clary, what happened?

Clary: I don't, I just walked in and I saw all of this.

We all had our phone flashlights, and Simon got our attention with something her found.

Simon: Guys, look.

Simon picked up a note, and opened it.

Clary: What does it say?

Simon: It says

Dearest Daughter,

If you saw the scene in you home, then you're about to have your life turned around. You don't know me, but I know you. I am your father, Valentine Morgenstern, and your mother and brother are with me safe and sound. If you want them back, then you have to go to Idris and if you refuse then expect an invitation to their funeral.

Don't try me, Clarissa.


Your father

Clary: But....but....

Jace: Wait, did that note just say Valentine Morgenstern?

Clary: But I never met my father, my mother said that he died in the Iraq War and this happened before I was born.

Alec: Valentine...

Clary: What? What about him?

Alec: He works with our father, King Robert.

Magnus: That means that he's coming close, and that nobody is safe anymore.

Izzy: So much for having a normal life.

Clary: I have to go.

Jace: It could be a trap.

Clary: He has my brother, and mother hostage! I can't let that happen.

Jace: Whatever you're thinking Clary, don't.

Alec: Once you enter Idris, you can't ever get out.

Clary: But-

Jace: We'll figure something out.

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