Chapter 38: Magnus' POV

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At the end of our dance, we both locked our lips with only us as a key to separate us. With a recipe filled with love and compassion, it was hard not wanting to be away from each other. Our lips moved in sync, but I added dominance to this equation of love. For all the numbers that had existed in the world, our love had one thing in common, it was an endless that would disappear into the unknown parts of life. Unfortunately our kiss had to close then I wanted to, but our time would be up if we couldn't grab a large gulp of air.

Alec: That was....amazing. I didn't know that you could dance like that.

Magnus: My friend Catarina had taught me how when I was a kid.

Alec: You think you can teach me, because I almost stepped on your foot.

Magnus: If that were to happen, Alexander, I would've just laughed it off.

Alec: And I would've been so embarrassed.

Magnus: Well look at this way, Alexander, if you would've done it I would've laugh, and no one has ever made me laugh in a long time.

Alec: Really?

Magnus: Yes, really, why else am I telling you this?

Alec: I don't know, why are you telling me this?

Magnus: Ever since I broke up with Camille, I felt like I ran out of love but then you came along and you showed me so much more than feelings. You've shown me so much that I don't think that I will ever feel that strongly in my life.

I saw Alexander growing red than he has ever had before, and I could've sworn that I had a tear that was tickling the corner of my eye luckily Alec had wiped it off before it could ruin my makeup.

Alec: Come on, I'll give you a ride home.

Magnus: Are you sure?

Alec: Sure.

Magnus: Okay.

Safely, we managed to get out of the abandoned studio and make it back to The Convent. As soon as we were at the building, the both of us saw a small basket at the front steps.

Magnus: Do you see that?

Alec: Yeah, what is it?

Magnus: Only one way to find out I guess.

Alexander and I got off the motorcycle, and rushed to what was revealed to be a small child wrapped in a blanket with a note that was written with the words 'Magdaline Sophia, please take care of her.' She was asleep right now, and Alexander was careful to not wake her up when he took her out of the basket.

Alec: One of her parents must've left her here.

Magnus: I'll make sure that she gets to Catarina as soon as possible.

Alec: Will she be okay?

Magnus: Yes, from the looks of it but I'll check just in case.

Before I could get inside Alec kissed me once more before we both said our goodbyes, and that we would see each other at school next week.

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