(Still) Chapter 27: Alec's POV

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I sat quickly in my chair to see if Magnus was okay, and from the look of it...he's not doing so well.

Alec: What happened?

Magnus: I don't know if I should say.

I grabbed Magnus' hand, and held it up to my cheek he started to blush.

Alec: Magnus, you can tell me anything please...

Magnus: Sebastian punched me.

Alec: What?

I might've said it too fiercely, but at this point I didn't care all I wanted was to beat Sebastian up for what he did to Magnus.

Magnus: I got glasses today, and well he took that opportunity to hit me...

Alec: Come here.

I pulled him into a hug, so that way he could cry into my chest. I used my finger to pick up his chin, and face me.

Alec: Don't listen to what anyone says, because you're amazing Magnus. From your adorable smirks to your sparkling hair, you have spark a light for everyone to see.

I'M SUCH AN IDIOT! I'm saying all these things, and....Izzy was right...I do like..not just like...I love him. God, I really hope he's not grossed out or anything of all the things I said.

Magnus: Thank you Alexander, that was very nice of you.

Alec: You're...you're welcome.

The french teacher came in, and said that we were still going to watch some boring documentay again. We sat on a rug that was closer to the projector I stayed with Magnus, and when he was looking at the screen I tried to put my hand on his, and for some weird reason I thought that his hand was coming closer to mine. Anyway, then I started getting closer, and Magnus had laid his hand on mine. Magnus scooched over to me, with our hands still holding, and we stayed like that until class ended. When the bell rang I was out in the hall, still holding hand with him, walking with Magnus.

Magnus: You know, Alexander, Clary is throwing a Halloween party tonight, would you like to come?

Alec: Really?

Magnus: Yeah, really.

Alec: I'd love to.

Magnus: Great, I'll see you at six?

Alec: Sure!

Magnus and I walked away to each other to go to second period, and when I sat in my chair I quickly grabbed out my phone, and texted Izzy.

Alec: Izzy?

Izzy: What is it? You know we can't have phone out right now.

Alec: I know, but I need to ask you something.

Izzy: What?

Alec: I going to Clary's Halloween party, Magnus asked me out, and I said yes. So can you help me get ready for it when we get home?


Alec: Great!

Izzy: Magnus and Alec

Sitting in a tree


Alec: IZZY!

Izzy: Jk. (Not really.)

I swear Izzy will be the death of me!

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