Chapter 20: Magnus' POV

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I was at Alec's house, and I started to clean up around the house and as I was finishing up the dishes I heard sobbing upstairs. I, quickly, went to see what was wrong and the crying was coming from Izzy's room. I knocked on the door, and then I heard nothing except- 

Izzy: Come in....

I entered Izzy's room, and I saw her mascara all watered out and tears still falling from her cheeks. 

Magnus: Izzy, what's wrong? 

Izzy: Well...

Izzy looked like she was going to get sick, but I wasn't leaving until she tells me what was wrong. I went over to her bed, and Izzy looked like she needed a hug so I gave her one and she hugged back. All she did was cry into my shoulder, and then after a few moments she stopped. Then she looked up at me, and she spoke. 

Izzy: There's this girl that keeps being mean to me, and she's only in two classes. of mine. 

Magnus: Let me guess, one of them happens to be in Fashion Design in 4th period? 

Izzy: How did you know? 

Magnus: One she's in my class, two I used to be her boyfriend, and three she does that to everyone mostly to me. 

Izzy: You know Camille? 

Magnus: I used to. 

Izzy: Magnus, I don't know what to do. Camille started calling me a...a....a 

Magnus: A what? 

Izzy: A slut...

Magnus: Camille's greatest thing in the world, to call everyone a slut. When really she's being the slut all the time. 

Izzy: What should I do? 

Magnus: Don't worry I have an idea. 

Izzy and I started planning of what we're going to do the very next day, and all we needed was just a slushie and one of those weird inventions that Simon never uses. 

Izzy: You sure this will work? 

Magnus: Trust me this will work like a charm. 

Izzy: Okay. 

-Time Skip- 

It was now early in the morning the perfect to get revenge for what Camille did. 

Izzy: I can't believe that this is going to work. 

Magnus: Oh it will. 

Izzy: Wait, how is it going to work if we don't know how to get her locker combination? 

Magnus: That's where the easy part comes in. 

I went up to Camille's locker, and turned to certain numbers and boom the locker was open. 

Izzy: You know her locker combination? 

Magnus: Remember I dated her. 

Izzy: Right. 

Magnus: Now come one Camille could be coming at anytime. 

Izzy and I set what we call a slushie launcher, locked her locker, and ran out of the hallway as fast as we could. 

-Time Skip- 

I was walking with Izzy to our 4th period, and when we got there we got a notification from our phones. 

Magnus: I wonder what it is. 

Izzy: Don't know. 

Izzy and I checked our phones, and we saw a slushied Camille on Instagram! We were laughing to out hearts content until our teacher walked in. 

Izzy: I can't believe that actually happened, thanks Magnus for helping me getting her back.

Magnus: What are friends for? 

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