Chapter 95: Magnus' POV

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Luke: Since you guys are in, we'll have to think of plan and-

Hodge: Argh!

Everyone: HODGE!

Malachi: Did you really think that you were going to get away with this, Lucian?

Luke: Malachi...

Clary: Luke, who is that?

Luke didn't have time to say anything, because this Malachi had started to attack everyone but we were quick to dodge his attacks.


We all split in different directions, and that was a bad idea for me because I didn't know where I was going. I, actually, didn't get too far, but far enough just to be away from Malachi. When the coast was clear, I tiptoed all the way to Hodge's dead body.

Magnus: Hodge...

God, and he was such a good man too, he didn't deserve this.

Magnus: Don't worry Hode, I'll make sure that you will have a proper burial. I'll make sure that Alec, Izzy, and Jace know about this.

I put my hand over his eyelids, and closed them. After I did, I spotted a weird looking necklace that was on his neck, I spotted a mirror.

Magnus: What is this?


I turned around, and saw Malachi with a sword in his hand just ready to kill me.

Malachi: Give that to me, and I'll spare you.

Magnus: How can I trust you when you didn't even spare Hodge?

Malachi: He was in my way, and anyone that is in my way gets eliminated.

Magnus: That means I'm in your way too, because I am not giving you whatever this is.

Malachi: Big mistake then.

Malachi was about to attack me, when all of a sudden.


Malachi: OW!

Clary had a crowbar in his hand, and started to beat him up. With every whip she had, she became more good at it. She wasn't giving Malachi a chance to attack her, or anyone else. After a few moments, Clary knocked Malachi's sword out of his hand and tripped him to the ground. Yet, she didn't kill him...

Clary: Listen you, you're going to tell me where did Valentine put my mother and brother at! Do you understand?

Malachi: Uh...


Malachi: Yes!

Clary: Good, now start talking.

Malachi: He has Jocelyn and Jonathan locked in his cottage.

Clary: Where is this cottage at

Malachi: If you go over the glades, and cross through Lake Lynn you'll find his cottage and your family.

Clary: Thank you, now you're going to take us there whether you like it or not!

Giving Malachi no other choice, he got up and he started to lead us all the way out.

Clary: And before we go, this better not be a trap because if it is...consider your life on the line.

Malachi: What I'm saying is the truth, now follow me.

I couldn't believe that we were actually following this guy, but we have to...

I just hope that Alexander is okay...

Don't worry Alexander, I'm coming...

I'm coming...

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