Chapter 44: Shocker Part II

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Jasmina sat up. "Oh my god really?" She asked. Chance smiled and nodded. "Oh I can't believe it! Oh my god." Jasmina said and cried happy tears.

Chance hugged and kissed her. "you're such an amazing woman. You've been so patient through all of this. We finally get to have the family we've always wanted." He said.

They cuddled in the hospital bed and watched a movie. "I'm sorry you had to miss helping Quinn shop for her wedding dress." Chance said.

"Oh that's ok. Despite being in the hospital.... This is better." Jasmina said "are you excited to tell the kids they're gonna be big brother and sister?" Chance asked.

"What?" Jasmina asks. "The adoption center looked over everything. They said we're a perfect match and they'll be home in 5 months. They want to give us time to have their rooms set up." Chance said.

Jasmina hugs him. "Two big things happening in one day." She says. He nods and kisses her.

"This is so perfect. I can't believe we're finally getting our family." Jasmina said. Chance laughs. "Yes we are baby." He plants a kiss on her lips before heading to the cafeteria to get her a drink of water.


3 days later Jasmina and Chance returned home to Meeshka and Rosco who, despite having someone look in on them every couple hours, had managed to get out of their cages, and torn the house apart.

Jasmina gasped as she looks around the room. "What did you two do?!" She asked. Both dogs shamefully looked at their parents and went to their naughty corners.

Chance sighed. "Go lay down. I'll clean it up." He said. Jasmina didn't bother to decline and went upstairs to take a warm shower and then a nap.


Chance started cleaning up the disaster and spoke to the dogs. "You know, you two are fully grown. Start cleaning up your act cause in less than a year there's gonna be three little ones running around."

The dogs laid down, knowing they were in big trouble. It took Chance 3 hours to clean up the mess they made.

"Never again." Chance muttered as he put everything away. The dogs licked Chance to say sorry.

"I can't stay mad at you. Come here." He said. The dogs did as told. Chance pet them. "Sometimes you two are a real pain in the ass. I swear."

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