Chapter 22: Cerise Has An Accident

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Cerise was in school doing playtime when she suddenly peed her pants. Though she didn't know she had to pee.

"Mr. Foust! Cerise peed her pants!" A student yelled. The kids started to laugh. Tim simply took Cerise by the hand before turning to the children.

"Now, this is not a big deal and it certainly isn't funny guys. Apologize for laughing." He says. "Sorry..." the kids say. Tim had another teacher watch the kids while he took Cerise to the nurse.

"Hi, it seems little Cerise here had a small accident." Tim says to the Nurse. She simply nodded and said "they happen."

Luckily, the nurse had asked parents to bring extra clothes for students under the age of 9.

She pulled out a plastic bag for the dirty clothes and one with her name on it. The one with her name on it contained 3 outfits.

Cerise selected one before going into the bathroom and changing. She was in tears when she came out.

"Cerise what's wrong sweetie?" Tim asked. "Uncle Tim I didn't even feel it come." She cried.

"Aw, it's ok. Accidents happen honey. Maybe mommy and daddy will take you to see a doctor." Tim says as he picks her up. Cerise rests her head on his shoulder.

Tim calls Adam. Adam answered the call. "Hello?" He says. "Cerise had a little accident." Tim said. "Wow. Ok. This is her 3rd accident in the last two weeks." Adam says.

Adam lets Ericha know. They both agree that she should see a doctor.


Adam and Ericha take Cerise to the doctor when she gets out of school. The doctor diagnoses Cerise with a small kidney infection and explains how it can be treated.

He puts her on antibiotics. "Now, this will help the infection go away, make sure she uses the restroom even when she doesn't feel the need to do so. You may go." The doctor says.

Adam and Ericha say ok and take her home. At home, she manages to stay dry for 2 hours before wetting herself again.

Cerise whines about taking her medicine after dinner. "Daddy it's yucky." She says. "You have to baby. It'll make you feel better." Adam says. Cerise whines but chokes down the medicine.

"Good girl. You're such a big girl." Adam says and gives her her evening bath. Cerise smiles softly. "Daddy? Where's mommy?" She asks.

"She's nursing your brother. Which is why I am giving you your bath tonight." He says. "Oh ok." Cerise says and plays with her bath toys while Adam washes her hair.

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