Chapter 28: Morning Sickness and a Hangover Part II

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Jenika spent most of the day sleeping and being babied by Tim. The band let Austin suffer through his hangover alone.

"Ok, show of hands, who thinks now that Austin is a dad.... he shouldn't be drinking as much as he does?" Olena asks.

The entire band and crew raise their hands. "So it's settled, I'm cutting Austin back on his alcohol intake." She says.

Jenika got out of her bunk and rushes to the bathroom. Tim quickly gets up and rushes to her.

"Oh, poor baby. Poor sweet baby." Tim says as he kneels down beside her, brushing her hair back and out of her face.

Jenika finishes getting sick and leans onto Tim. "Let's get you to bed." He says. He picks her up, carries her through the bus, and to her bed.

"Cuddle?" She asks. "Of course beautiful." Tim says and crawls into her bed. "You baby me." Jenika says and giggles.

"Well I gotta baby the woman carrying my baby." Tim says. Jenika smiles. "You're so pure. I love you." She says.

Tim kisses her and cuddles. "No one babies me...." Austin says. "I would baby you but I don't feel bad for you." Olena says.

"Good point.... at least kiss me." Austin says. "Ok. Ok." Olena says and climbs into  his bunk. She kisses him and then gets back to taking some photos.

Luke sets up a sobriety calendar. "Ok, this is a sobriety calendar. For every night you go without drinking you earn a sticker. If you go a whole month without a drink you will earn a date night with Olena. Just the two of you."

"Ok..... that's a good idea." Austin says. "So you're on board?" Luke asks. Austin nods.

"YAY!" The band cheers.

Austin smiles softly.

A/N: Here goes nothing. Ready to see how it goes? A sobriety calendar is just like a potty chart.... just the adult version.

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