Chapter 13: Cerise's 4th Birthday

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Ericha got the announcement ready. A week before Cerise's 4 birthday, Ericha had taken a pregnancy test.... Today, she and Adam are telling Cerise she's going to be a big sister.

Cerise's party was a Home Free themed Party with a little bit of Frozen. After cake and Ice Cream Everyone gathered around Cerise as she opened her presents.

She got Anna, Elsa, and Olaf dolls, two coloring books with more crayons, a new princess makeup kit, new princess nail polish, an Elsa dress, and several other toys.

Ericha handed Cerise a note. "Mommy read it please." She says. Ericha reads it out loud.

"My little eyes are watching all you say and do. And when I grow up big and tall I want to be like you.

My little ears are listening to everything you say. I am learning how to grow up to be like you someday.

So be careful how you teach me to be the person that you are.

You're the best friend that I could have; you're my brightest shining star."

Cerise looks at her. "What does that mean?" She asks. Ericha smiles and pulls out the test and a sonogram. "Cerise, you're gonna be a big sister." Ericha says. "Mommy's having a baby." Says Adam as he smiles.

The band's mouths drop open. Cerise grins. "I GONNA BE A BIG SISTER?!" She yells excitedly.

Ericha giggles. "Yes." Adam's family hugs the expecting couple all very excited. The band, all still in shock because Ericha hasn't been pregnant since 2014, come to terms and hug them both.

Adam laughs. "Shocked?" The band laughs. "Very. Congratulations."
"Did you have a good birthday?" Adam asks as he tucks Cerise in. "Daddy it was da best birfday ever." The tired toddler replied. Adam begins to sing a soft lullaby and watches his baby girl drifts off to sleep to the sound of his voice. He kisses her head, turns out the lamp, picks up her laundry, and leaves the room.

He quietly shuts the door and crawls into his own bed. Ericha and him cuddle. "Is she asleep?" She asks. "Yup." Adam replies and turns out the light.

Word Count: 363

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