Chapter 19: Stephen Henry Rupp

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It was a warm day in September when Adam and Ericha welcomed their first son. It started off like any other normal day.

Ericha started off the morning by getting Cerise to school before coming home to Adam. She walks in to see he had cleaned the breakfast dishes and swept the floor.

Ericha started to feel pain around noon but ignored it since it wasn't terrible. She sat down to watch TV. Adam rubbed her feet.

An hour went by and the pain increased. Ericha hopped into the shower. She was dilating quickly. Before she knew it, her water broke.

Ericha turned off the shower and laid on the bathtub floor. "ADAM!!!!!!" She screamed. Adam came flying into the bathroom.

"Th-The baby is c-coming." She managed to get out. Adam called for an ambulance but Ericha was already starting to feel an urge to push.

"Breathe honey breathe." Adam said calmly. She did as told. "I need to push." She told him. "Go ahead sweetie. I'm right here." Adam says as he uses YouTube to figure out how to deliver his baby.

Ericha pushes as hard as she can. "That's it. Good girl. I see the head. Big push." Adam said.

She pushed hard once again and the baby boy was born. Ericha and Adam cried tears of joy and relief. "Welcome to the world, Stephen Henry Rupp." Adam said, Just as Paramedics were coming up the stairs.

A/N: Stephen is Chris's middle name and Henry is Adam's middle name.

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