Chapter 18: Wedding Day

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It was a beautiful, warm summer day outside. Olena got to the church 5 hours before the wedding so she could help place where she wants everything and get ready.

The church was decorated with red and white flowers.

"Are you ready?" Ericha asks. "I'm so nervous." Olena replied. "Every Bride feels nervous on their wedding day." Kelsey Remarks.

Olena's hair was put in a beautiful updo. Her nails were painted a beautiful red. Coralee and Judson (8 months old) were sitting in her mom's lap.

The twins coo and smile when they see their mommy. "Well, they think their mommy looks very pretty." Olena's sister says.

Olena giggles. "Hi babies." She says and blows a raspberry. The twins burst into giggles. Coralee was wearing an adorable red dress. Where as Judson was in a little tuxedo.

"Oh they look adorable!" Jasmina says. "Don't they? Austin picked out the outfits." Olena replies.

Olena walks down the aisle, arm on her dad who had tears in his eyes. "I'll be ok daddy." Olena says. She gets to Austin and smiles. "Hi." She quietly says. "Hey." Austin said back.

The twins coo causing the audience to laugh. "Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. We are here to celebrate the union of two people. Olena and Austin have written their own vows. Austin, let's start with you." The preacher says.

Austin pulls out a piece of paper. "I remember when I first met you. I was so nervous around you that I could hardly form words. I thought "damn this girl is beautiful. If only I could tell her." You made my heart skip a beat and my stomach have butterflies. You gave me 2 of my biggest blessings. The twins. I'm proud to call you my wife and the mother of my children. Thank you for everything you do." Austin says.

Olena smiles. Wiping tears from her eyes, she pulls out a piece of paper. "I love your witty personality and your romantic gestures. You are the sweetest man I've ever come to know and I am proud of you everyday. I will strive to continue to make you happy. I promise to go fishing with you as much as you want. My biggest hope is that Judson grows up to be just like you. You're so hardworking and loving. It's a miracle I found you. You've taken a broken woman and put her back together. I thank you for that. You taught me how to smile and laugh again. I love you Matthew Austin Brown. You are my everything." She says.

Austin wiped tears from his eyes. The preacher smiles and says "By the power invested in me and the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Austin kisses Olena. "Ladies and Gentleman I give you Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Brown." The preacher says. The guests clap and cheer.

A/N: to make up for the sad chapter... here's a beautiful one. Word count of 504 words.

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