Chapter 17: Judson's First Fever

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Judson wakes up from his nap screaming his head off. The baby was red on the face and had a runny nose.

Olena gets him from his crib. "Oh poor baby.... you're as red as a lobster." She says and takes his temperature. She frowns when it comes out to be 101 degrees.

"Poor baby. Austin, Judson has a fever." Olena says. "Great....." He says. He picks up the crying baby and calms him. Judson had messed his diaper.

Austin begins to change the baby's diaper. Only to discover he'd had his first blow out. "Yuck." He says. He puts him in the tub and gives him a bath.

Judson enjoys his bath. He gets put in a new diaper and pair of Pajamas. He gets his cuddle time with Austin. Judson sucks on his tiny hand as he looks at his daddy.

Olena makes a bottle and hands it to Austin. Judson falls asleep before he finishes it all. "Sweet boy...." Austin says and cuddles with him.

After a little while, The fever seemed to go down. There was still some coughing and a runny nose but Austin and Olena are happy he's ok.

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