Chapter 16: Chris The Babysitter

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Chris didn't know what he was getting himself into when he agreed to babysit Cerise for a bit. The 4 year old was currently hyped up on whatever she ate for breakfast and running around the house.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Chris says to himself as he washes Cerise's already messy play clothes. "This is her 3rd outfit in just one morning... good thing my brother knows how to pack for a toddler." He mumbles.

Cerise is stopped in her tracks. "Why don't we just sit and watch a movie for a bit?" Chris asks. "Hmm.... no. That's ok." Cerise says and begins to build with blocks.

Chris is thankful that she's finally doing something else. He goes about the house picking things up. Soon, he notices that she's quiet. Too quiet.

"Cerise?!" Chris calls as he walks down the hall.  He looks at the wall and sees peanut butter smeared on the wall. "What the-?" He says. I put the peanut butter up high. How'd she get it down?" He says and picks up the empty peanut butter container.

Cerise is found giggling in the kitchen covered head to toe in flour. "Oh, Hi Uncle Tiss! I'm playing." She says innocently. Chris groans. "Cerise, we don't play in flour." He says as he puts her in the bathtub. "Or peanut butter."

Chris begins washing off  the mixture of flour and peanut butter. "I'm towwy. I didn't mean to.... honest." Cerise says. Chris forgives her and then once again cleans the house.

He feeds Cerise lunch before putting Her down for a nap. Chris texts Adam. "I dont know how you do this everyday." He types. Adam is quick to respond with "It takes time, compassion, love, understanding, and patience."

Cerise soon wakes from her nap. She quickly and swiftly goes into the kitchen and gets into the snacks. By the time she is caught, She'd almost finished an entire bag of Oreo Minis.

"Cerise Isabelle I have had enough. Time out for you." Chris sternly but calmly says. Cerise pouts and stomps off to the timeout chair. "i don't like the time out chair!" Cerise protests.

Chris ignores what she says and waits 4 minutes before letting her out. "Are you done being naughty today?" He asks her. "Yes Uncle Tiss. I'm done." She sadly says. He gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I love you." Chris says.

"I love you too." Cerise replies and then walks off to play with her toys. Chris keeping a very close eye on her.

A/N: Told you I'd make it up to you. My longest chapter yet with a grand total of 449 words!

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