Chapter 34: Chris The Babysitter Part II

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"Hey.... Can you watch Stephan and Cerise?" Adam asked his brother over the phone. "Oh.... no... no no no. I can't.... I had such a bad time with just Cerise....  I may be your big brother but I can't...." Chris replied.

"Please Chris? I'm begging you. I don't feel good and I can't be running around chasing babies." Adam begged.

Chris sighed. Alright, I'll be right over to get the baby and your toddler." Adam sounded relieved as he thanks him and hangs up.

"Here we go again." Chris thinks while grabbing his car keys and walking out the door.

About an hour later, Chris returned with the two children. Stephan, who was now four months old, had cried the whole ride home.

"Alright buddy. Let's get you a bottle." Chris said. He cradled the baby in his arms and managed to make a bottle at the same time.

Cerise walks into the kitchen with a snack in one hand and a juice in the other. "Go watch cartoons Cerise, I'll be right there." Chris said.

Stephan cooed and then chugged down his bottle of breastmilk. "Wow, hungry little guy." Chris chuckled and laid Stephan down for a nap.

"Ok Cerise, Stephan is asleep. What do you want to do? Puzzles? Board games? Movie?" He asked.

Cerise smiles. "Movie with popcorn!" She yelled. "Shh honey. Bubby is asleep." Chris replied and popped in the movie The Lion King.

Cerise and Chris relaxed and played with snapchat filters on his phone. "Well, this is alot easier than last time..." He thought to himself.

Cerise looked up at Chris. "Untle Tiss? Don't you get lonely?" She asked. "What do you mean?" Chris asked. "Well, you live alone. Don't you get lonely? Don't you ever miss daddy?"

Chris smiled softly. "Honestly Cerise, I'm ok with my life. I mean sure I'd like a couple kids of my own someday.... but for now, I'm taking it slow." He replied.

Cerise smiles and snuggles into him. "Ok." She said with a giggle.

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