Chapter 20: Cerise meets Stephen

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Stephen and Ericha came home from the hospital two days after he was born. Though baby Stephen was born at home; it was still precautionary to have him and Ericha checked out at the hospital.

Cerise was the first of many to meet Stephen. Her mouth dropped open when she walked into her parents bedroom to see her mommy holding a tiny baby.

"Mommy, is this the baby?" Cerise asked. "Yes, you have a baby brother. This is Stephen." Ericha replied. With tears in her eyes, Cerise cradled her baby brother in her arms with Adam's help and sang him a lullaby.

The infant cooed and yawned. "He's so little..... I love him." She said. "You know, you used to be this tiny. I couldn't believe I was a parent until I got to hold you." Adam said.

"Why?" Cerise asked. "Because the moment I held you, you became my whole world. The day you were born was one of the best days of my life." He said.

"Stephen too?" She asked. He laughs softly. "Stephen too." The baby in her arms cooed and fell asleep. "I'm a big sister. To such a tiny baby. Will he get bigger?"

Adam nodded. Ericha was in bed resting. "Mommy, do you feel ok?" Cerise asked. "So many questions. Yes, just a little pain." Ericha replied. 

Cerise ate dinner before spending more time bonding with her little brother who seemed to enjoy her cuddles.

A/N: Don't worry, the next chapter will be about the twins. Enjoy this sweet chapter. ☺️

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