Chapter 25: Kelsey's Birthday

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A/N: In honor of today being Kelsey's birthday here's a little chapter written just for her. Rob's gift to her is the image shown above.

Kelsey woke up feeling lips on hers. She giggles and kisses back. "Happy Birthday beautiful." Rob says.

"Well, what a way to wake up. Thank you."  Kelsey says. "What do you say we have a day of relaxing?" Rob asks.

"I love the idea but what about Lydia?" She asks. "I already called my parents. They said they'll be glad to watch her for the day." He replies.

Kelsey smiles and rubs her stomach. "Well, it does sound nice. Ok."

An hour later, Lydia is picked up by her grandparents so Kelsey and Rob could have a day alone.

Rob starts off the day by rubbing Kelsey's feet because he knows she loves it. Kelsey relaxes as the baby kicks. "Ooh, it's kicking." She says.

He puts his hand on her stomach as he feels the kicks. "Wow. Hey in there. Kelsey what do want for lunch?" He asks. Kelsey giggles. "Can we get McDonalds?" She asks.

"Sure." He says. He goes and gets McDonalds. He comes home and sets the   on the coffee table. "No Penny Lane. Not for you. That's for mama." He says before placing a bowl of dog food in front of the dog.

Kelsey and Rob eat lunch before relaxing on the couch with blankets, pillows, and a movie in the DVD player.

Kelsey rests her head on Rob's chest. "Hmm, this is nice." She says. "So, I'm doing good pampering you so far?" He asks with a smile. Kelsey giggles. "You're doing great."

"Oh that reminds me. I got you this." He says as he hands her a birthday gift. She smiles and opens it. "Oh Rob I love it. Thank you." She says and kisses him.

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