Chapter 3: Telling The Band

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Austin and the band got ready for the show. Olena pulled out her camera saying it was time to take a group photo. The boys stood tallest to shortest. "Ok, Everybody say..... Austin is gonna be a daddy!" Olena says. The boys look at him in shock and cheer as she snaps a photo of their reaction.

"Is it true?!" Rob asks Happily. Austin replies with a yes which earns him and Olena as many hugs as possible. "ok, ok. That's enough excitement for one day. We have a show to put on." Says Adam who rarely speaks. The boys all agree and head to the stage. Austin, smiling like he just won the lottery, takes his seat first.

As the night ended, the boys were still hyped up from today's announcement. They started Asking a million different questions as soon as they were on the bus. Olena laughed because she couldn't keep up with their rowdiness.

"We should go out and celebrate this new chapter in your life together." Chance says. "Nah, I'm gonna stay behind. I'm not feeling good. You can go out though." Olena replies.

The band decides to not leave the bus because they don't want to leave Olena without someone to help her when she gets sick. They end up playing board games and watching a football game on the TV instead. All agreeing that you don't have to party to have some fun.

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