Chapter 4: The First Sonogram

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Olena came bounding down the stairs putting her prenatal vitamins in her purse. "Austin, the appointment starts in 20 min-" she stops in her tracks when she sees her fiancé asleep on the couch. Sheets of music all around him.

Austin had been up all night working on new arrangements. He woke with a start when Olena touches his shoulder. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." She says. "What time is it?" Austin asks tiredly. He jumps off the couch to get ready very quickly.

—Doctors office—

The baby looks very healthy." The doctor says as he does Olena's sonogram. Olena and Austin are both smiling. "Oh wait! There's two of them! It's twins!" He exclaimed.

Austin and Olena looked at him with both shock and excitement. "Oh Austin, we're having twins!" Olena says and hugs him.

He smiles at Olena's excitement. "I know." He leans down and kisses her stomach. "Hello in there babies. Mommy and I can't wait to meet you." He says.

The doctor turns on the heart monitor. Soon, the sound of two tiny heartbeats fills the room. Austin had happy tears in his eyes as he comes to the realization that he is going to be a father.
"Are you ready?" Olena asks. "Yes. So so so ready... and maybe a bit nervous." Austin shyly admitted. She giggles and lays her head on the passenger side window. "Me too. We can do this."

They soon get to the studio. The boys already inside. Austin gets out of the car and carries Olena inside because he can. He lays her on the couch so she can rest.

Olena relaxes as she watches Austin record. "How'd the sonogram go?" Chance asks after grabbing a beer for himself and a water for her.

"Oh, it went perfect. The babies are very healthy." Olena says. Chance smiles. "Did you just say.... babies?"

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