Chapter 39: Our Adventure

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Chris was still quietly rocking Zachary when Quinn woke from her nap. The baby had been asleep for about 15 minutes at this point.

He was pulled from his thoughts when Quinn spoke. "Hm?" He asked. Quinn giggled. "I said, you really do love him huh?"

Chris nodded "I do. He looks just like you." He turned his attention back to the infant. "How can you love me AND him?" She asked. Still surprised she found such an amazing man.

He set Zachary in his hospital crib. "Because your son is my son. My house is your house. My love for you is unconditional. No matter what. Today, you brought a baby into the world. Today, you became a mother. Today, by asking me to sign the birth certificate, you made me a father."

Quinn smiled. "Y-you signed it?" She asked. Chris nodded. She hugged him tight and said: "You truly have gone above and beyond. Now, because of you, my baby boy will always have a dad."

He sat next to her on the bed. "You did such an amazing job today. One day, I hope to see you here again, but with my baby. Even if Zachary is still technically my son." He said.

"I know what you're trying to say. It would be nice to see the woman you love bare your child. Just be patient and one day I will birth your biological child." Quinn replied.

Chris smiled. He wrapped Quinn in his arms. "I can wait. No matter how long." He said.

Zachary's shrill cry filled the room. Chris stood and picked up the baby. He sang quietly to him.

Quinn watched in disbelief as the infant's cries turned into soft whimpers and then into nothing at all. "How did you do that? She asked.

"My parents said that when my little sister Tristin was a baby she would constantly cry. She'd only stop crying if I held her. She was colicky and I was the only one that could hold her. I'm not sure why but I've always been able to calm babies." He said.

Zachary sucks on his hand which is a sign for hunger. "I think someone is hungry." Chris says and hands Quinn the baby.

Quinn smiles. "Aw sweet boy." She says and nurses him. "God, you're beautiful." Chris says.

She giggles. "You're just saying that...." She said and blushed. Chris laid next to her as she nursed. "I mean it."

Quinn smiled and looked at the baby. "Here we go. The adventure just got started."

Chris grabbed her hand and kissed it. "OUR adventure."

A/N: Happy 4th Birthday to sweet little Cerise Rupp!

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