Chapter 26: The Twins Turn One

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The twins are backstage when they get two smash cakes set in front of them. Olena quickly grabs her camera and gets it ready.

The twins clap and start tearing into their cakes. Coralee is soon covered in pink frosting from head to toe.

The band laughs. "Oh this is the cutest thing ever." Jenika says. Judson stands up, frosting all over his face, arms, and hair. He walks over to Austin and touches him.

Austin smiles softly, surprisingly not minding the frosting on his hands. "Did you just walk to me?" He asks with a smile.

Judson responds with "da da da da da." And then walks off to finish his cake. By this point, Coralee fell asleep face first in her cake.

Olena takes another picture and then picks Coralee up out of the cake. She laughs and takes her to the sink. Olena cleans her up before putting her in her playpen for naptime.

"Aw, someone had a sugar rush and crashed." Adam says, causing the band to laugh more.

Judson finishes his cake and then takes a bath. He splashes around and gets Olena drenched in water. "Op, you got mommy wet with water." Olena says.

Judson covers his mouth and bursts into giggles. He claps before handing her a bath toy. "You're too cute." Austin says as he hands Olena two towels.

Olena dries her shirt and then gets Judson out of the tub. She puts him in a onsie that says "Birthday Prince." On it.

"Ok. Since you took a nap before the party... it's playtime for you." Austin says. Judson toddles over to his toy-box and pulls out his favorite ball. He throws it at Austin.

Austin catches it. "Boy have you got an arm! You can play baseball when you get bigger." He says causing Judson to giggle again.

A/N: Enjoy this little chapter!

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