Chapter 42: Adoption

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A/N: Plot suggestion given by Chance_loving_Fry she also suggested a few others.

Chance and Jasmina were struggling to get pregnant with their first child and the stress was starting to get to her.

Jasmina threw the negative pregnancy test across the room and burst into tears. Chance came running into the room and wrapped his arms around her.

"Shh. Honey it's ok. We can just adopt." Chance reassured her as he picked up the test. He tossed it in the trash and picked her up.

"Everyone else has children. Why is it so hard for us?" She asked. Chance kissed her and wiped her tears away. "It just takes a while for some people. We'll get there." He said.

Jasmina sniffled and cuddled into him. "How about we take a look into adoption and see what happens?" He asked.

She nodded. Chance took her to the couch and started asking around. A couple hours later they found an adoption center where they could go that day.

They got into the car and headed that way. On the way, they discussed whether they wanted a boy or a girl.


They decided they'd like one of each as Chance pulled into the parking lot. He led her into the center where they met with some people.

They were led down the hall to a small room where little boys were running around and playing.

"This is Hunter. He's 5. His little sister River is in the girls' room." The owner of the center said as she pointed at a
Red haired boy and motioned for him to come to her.

"How old is his sister?" Chance asked. The owner smiles. "She's 2.... now, if you choose them... it could take a while for you to be able to bring them home. There's a bunch of paperwork and home inspections you'll have to fill in and do."

Jasmina sat next to Hunter. "Well, we've waited this long. What's a little while longer?" She said.

A red haired little girl came running into the room. "Oh, and there's his baby sister River." The owner said.

River sat next to her brother and looked at the couple. Neither child very talkative. Neither Chance or Jasmina asked the 5 year old of his past.

Hunter seemed to warm up to them as the time passed and eventually spoke. He and Chance talked about star wars and Spiderman.

Chance and Jasmina got so caught up in talking to the kids that they lost track of time.

"Well, guess we should go." Jasmina said. The kids waved goodbye. "Come back and bisit soon." Hunter said.

"Oh you bet we will." Jasmina replied. They got back in their car and headed home.

"What did you think?" Chance asked. "I think they're great." She replied. Chance smiled softly. "So have we chosen our possible children?" Chance asked.

Jasmina nodded. "Yes. I believe we have."

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