Chapter 45

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Read towards the end of the chapter. Important authors notes!

I close trunk after putting the last box in. I look back at the house I grew up in and smile. I see Jc locking up the house walking towards me.
"Is that everything?" I ask looking at him.
"Yes it is. Its completely empty." I nod my head and hear a honk behind me. I turn around seeing the couple that wanted this house. The girls come out of the car walking to me.
"Hey Cassie" The girl with blonde hair says
"Hey guys. I cleared everything in the house so you will have to buy your own furniture"
"That's fine. Thank you again" The other girl says holding her girlfriend's hand. I sigh lightly lifting up the keys in front of them.
"Here's the keys to your brand new house. Please take care of it." They both smile lightly and hug me. I hug back wanting to cry but I hold it in.
"Beautiful we have to go. We're going to be late for the flights" Jc says. We pull away saying our goodbyes and I get in the car. I put on my seat belt. Jc get in the driver's seat next to me turning on the car.
"Ready?" Jc ask. I look back at the house not really wanting to let it go.
"Ready" I reply to Jc. He starts driving off as I'm still looking at the house. The house soon gets out of my view and I lean back in my seat looking outside.

That was the last time I'll ever see my childhood home again. I grew up in that house with my mom. We made a lot of memories in that house. When I left the house it felt like I was losing my mom all over again.


We soon get to the airport Jc grabs all of his bags. I was about to get mine but he stops me.
"One of my friends is going to drive to New York so you can have the car. I didn't want you to drive because it'll take too long and I want you to relax before you start your early school thing" I smile lightly moving my hand away from him. I hug him tightly.
"Thank you Jc" I say holding him as he holds me back. We pull away looking at each other but I turn around blushing grabbing a suit case. I close the trunk turning around seeing the airport. I sigh heavily and we both start walking towards the entrance. I feel someone grab my free hand. I quickly look down following the arm seeing Jc holding my hand and smiling at me. I smile back at him holding his hand tighter as we keep walking. We walk through the entrance looking around for our plane number. I feel my free hand let go. I let go of my suitcase rubbing my hands together getting a bit nervous. I'm not ready being on my own for once. I'm not ready for Jc and I going out separate ways. I can't live without him.

I look at Jc looking at his paper and around the airport. I see how focused he is. I smile admiring it. How his hair is just crazy and he uses a bandana to move it from his face. How he ignores everything around him when he's so focused to do something. And whenever he's too focused he lick his lips a lot and plays with his hair.

He looks back at me taking my hand again.
"Over here beautiful." He says holding me tightly so we won't lose each other and pulling me towards him to get ready for our plane ride.
"Okay. Your plane is right behind you and mine is behind me which is perfect" I smile lightly looking down. I feel his hand on my cheek making me look up at him. I feel him caress my cheek gently and lean down giving me a kiss on the head. I close my eyes enjoying this last kiss I'll get from him...maybe in a long time.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes.
"Now boarding plane 420B to Los Angeles and 469A to New York." We hear in the building. I look at him nervously.
"You promised me an answer before we leave beautiful" Jc says looking at me in the eyes. I look down quickly closing my eyes trying to catch my breath. I look back up to him giving him a small smile.
"I think we should break up Jc." I see him look to his side covering his mouth as his eyes gets watery. "It's just we won't have time for each other. But just know that I love..." I feel his hands pull away from mine quickly, walking off to his door. I stand there shocked and hurt. Is this really how we're going to say goodbye? I guess I deserved it though. I just hope he knows how much I love him. I hope that he find happiness because I know how much I hurt him right now. I hope he enjoys making videos entertaining people. I hope that he reaches his dream. I just hope the best for him.

I walk towards my door with tears in my eyes. I wait in the line to get in the plane. I look down remembering all the good times we had. I will never forget them. I will never forget him. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. He helped me with the death of my mom. He helped me with my depression. He was always there for me when I needed him. He was everything to me and knowing that I ruined everything between us hurts me. We probably won't even talk anymore after this. I just wish I could've...

"Ma'am?" I look up seeing a man waiting for me. I feel the tear come down my eyes but I quickly wiped them away.
"I'm sorry" I say handing him my ticket.
"Its fine but are you okay?" He asks looking at me. I don't make eye contact with him just nodding my head. He hands me back by ticket and I walk through the door getting on the plane.

I find my seat number so I quickly put my suitcase in the overhead bin. I close it and sit by the window putting on my headphones ignoring everyone around me. Just thinking how I hurt the one I love and how I'm all alone now. No more mom. No more boyfriend. Just me.

\/\/\/\Author's Notes/\/\/\/
This is the last chapter of this book.
'I Fell In Love With My Bully' fan fiction of Jc Caylen is officially done but I have an idea for part 2 of this book. If you guys want part 2 let me know privately or in the comments. Your choice. Thank you guys for reading it and I hope you enjoyed this book.
I love you all!

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