Chapter 7

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Cassie's POV

I stare at myself in the mirror. Black torn up jeans, tank top and leather jacket with my curled. Its been a week since everything that happened. Nothing changed really besides me going to therapy twice a week until they say 'I'm happy'Lets see how long it takes. My mom has been working still. Its fine I understand what she's doing for us. She's trying her best to provide for me and her as a single mother.

"Cassie come down. You're gonna be late!!" I hear her yell from downstairs. I grab my bag and head downstairs to my mom in the kitchen making breakfast. She gives me a few bucks and smiles at me.
"Okay, I'm off today so once you get off of school come home because I have a surprise for you"
"Will I hate it?"
"I hope not. We'll see. Have a good day sweetie. Now go before your late" She says kissing my head and pushing me out the door.

I walk to my school not ready to go back after not being there for 2 weeks and after what happened. What if they start saying shit again? What if the principal starts talking crap to me again? I'm so not ready. I might just drop out and become a stripper.

I walk into the building and everything is calm. No body is picking on me, no one is even bothering me.
"Well look who's back" except for Jc.
"Where were you after two weeks? I thought you were dead. Bummer you're not" He says and his group of friends just walk away. He grabs hold of a skinny, brown head guy.
"Where you going Kian? You can't leave me"
"Dude did you see what her mom did to the principal two weeks ago? Ain't no way I'm messing with her. Plus she did nothing to us so she doesn't deserve it" He says pulling Jc off him and looking at me smiling.
"Kian you're suppose to be on my side. What kind of friend..."
"Wait! My mom? What did she do?" I ask interrupting him.
"She kicked the principals ass for telling you shit, it sucks cuz no one got it on recording. You're mom is bad ass Cassie" Kian responds and walks away smiling. I feel anger build up in me because my mom said She wouldn't do anything to him and she didn't even have the balls to tell me. I see Jc staring at me.
"You have a problem?"
"Wow. Someone's on their period. Just surprised you haven't killed yourself after everything I put you through"
"Yeah. Well I realized that I shouldn't let guys who are insecure with their baby dicks like you ruin my life" I said firing back at him.
"Haha. Cassie is getting tough now huh? Well honey that isn't what your mom said last night"
"Really? She told me about that but she told me she wasn't pleasured at all. That when you left she had to finish the rest of the job herself" He looks at me shocked and I walk away pushing him with my shoulder.

I feel someone grab me by my bag and push me against the lockers. I see an angry Jc in front of me and his face is so close to mine.
"Keep acting like this see what happens. Ive made your life hell one time. I can do it again"
"You tried Jc. You can keep trying but I ain't letting you ruin my life anymore." I knee him in the balls and push him off me, running to my 1st period.

I sit in my desk and see a new teacher there. Its weird not having Mr.Rogers there anymore. The bell rings and everyone but Jc is sitting down in their assigned seats.
"Good morning everyone. I'm Mrs.Smith. I'll be your new English teacher since your other one is gone." I feel everyone's eyes one me as soon as she said those words. I get my binder out and I pay attention through out the whole class period.

I was finally in the last period of the day. The other periods were just other periods. Jc hasn't talked to me ever since this morning. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad things. Maybe he's planning on getting revenge. I should just be glad I'm not dealing with him anymore.

The bell rings for 8th period to start and I see Jc sitting right next to me.
"Hey Cas. So what you did the morning was a bad decision you made but don't worry. I'll get my revenge soon"
"Well good luck. I'll be waiting"
I say and the principal comes in with a bandage around his nose.
"Hey can I see Jc. He's leaving." Jc gets up happy and follows the principal. I look at my journal and get up from my seat, grabbing my nags and walking out the door.

I run up to Jc and the principal.
"Excuse me sir" He turns around and jumps up a little, looking scared.
"Umm...yes Cassie." The principal says facing me kind of scared.
"Can I talk to you privately"
"Yes ma'am"
I walk next to him and Jc bends down to my height and whispers.
"You're gonna try and get his dick now" He laughs and walks up to the same people I saw him with before, tall skinny girls with business suits on.
"Cassie?" I look away from Jc and he business suits girl and see the principal holding the door for me. I walk into the room and sits in the chair. I look down at his desk getting memories from the day I tried to kill myself. I see him sitting in front of me and smiles lightly.
"So what brings you here?"
"Umm...I wanted to say I'm sorry for what my mom did. Kian told me and I feel kinda bad."
"No, Cassie I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped and said those things to you." I smile lightly at his apology and lool fine playing with my hands.
"Its okay sir. I understand but I also wanted to talk to you about the dance. I want there to still be a Halloween dance so the students can have fun."
"I would like that too but there aren't enough people to help. Plus there's no more teachers to volunteer to help."
"We don't need teachers. I can ask some students If they wanna help and we can make it on a the last week of October on a Friday."
"You do realize that's next week?"
"Yes, I do but I can do this" I say looking at him desperate to have this dance.
"Alright. Well we have 5 minutes before the bell rings for school to end. Why don't you make the announcement to see if people wanna help"
"Sure alright"

We both get up from our seats and walk to the room next door. He walls to the camera turning it on and then walks to me. He grabs me by the shoulders and push me to stand in a green line. "Alright. Im going to count down and you're just going to say what you need to say then I'll come in and take over. Got it?"
"Got it"
"Alright. 5...4...3...2...1..go"
"Hey guys. This is Cassie. I wanted to talk about something I talked to the principal about and its about the Halloween dance we're gonna have next week but I need help from you guys. If you guys wanna help with decorations meet me in the gym after school tomorrow and we'll start planning on everything. So please help me out with this Halloween dance. I wanna make everything good for you guys. Again tomorrow right after school in the gym. Thank you" I say walking away in front of the camera and the principal walks in saying the rest of the announcement. He finished with the announcement then the bell rings and everyone is walking outside to leave. I walk down the halls minding my own business when I see a boy with short hair and leather jacket come up to me.
"I'm down to help after what your mom did to the principal. Yo! No joke that shit was bad ass." He says patting back and walking away. I laugh and start walking away to my house.

I walk through the doors and see my mom talking to someone next to her but I couldn't see because she was blocking the person. I close the door and she stands up quickly still covering the person behind her.
"Hi, honey. Do you remember I told you when you get home I got you a present."
"Umm...yeah" I say still trying to see the person behind her
"Well, I know sometimes you feel lonely at home when I work late. So I talk to some people to get a foster kid so you can have a sibling to hang out with while I'm gone. Well, Cassie meet your new brother Justin Caylen" She says and I see Jc standing next to her.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me"

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